Yes, good is an abstract noun as a word for the character or quality of someone or something that is good; something conforming to a moral order; a word for a concept.
Example sentence: We must fight for the common good.
The abstract noun form for the adjective good is goodness.
NOTE: The plural noun, goods, is a concrete noun as a word for manufactured articles or products.
Comprehensiveness is the abstract noun for the adjective comprehensive. Another abstract noun form is comprehension.
Disobedience is the abstract noun form.
The abstract noun form is gluttony.
Yes, the noun 'falsehood' is an abstract noun, a word for a concept.
Yes, the noun 'introduction' is an abstract noun, a word for a concept.
The abstract noun form of the adjective 'good' is goodness, a word for a quality.
The noun good is a singular, common, abstract noun.
Yes, the noun 'prudence' is an abstract noun, a word for an ability to use good judgement.
The abstract noun forms for the adjective serene are sereneness and serenity.
Yes, the noun wisdom is an abstract noun, a word for a quality of a person; insight or good sense.
The abstract noun form of the adjective terrible is terribleness.A related abstract noun form is terror.
The word 'find' is an abstract noun; a word for something good, interesting, or valuable that you discover by chance. The abstract noun for the verb to find is the gerund, finding.
You would add a suffix, -ness, to the adjective "good" to form the abstract noun "goodness."The word good is an abstract noun as a word for something conforming to a moral order; praiseworthy character; something beneficial or useful.
The abstract noun form of the adjective excellent is excellence.
Yes, the noun 'merriness' is an abstract noun; a word for a feeling of cheerfulness, liveliness, and good feelings; a word for an emotion.
The abstract noun form of the adjective good is goodness.The word good is an abstract noun; a word for something conforming to a moral order; praiseworthy character; something beneficial or useful.The plural noun 'goods' is a concrete noun; a word for something having value; something produced for purchase.
The noun 'jolly' is an abstract noun, a British word for a party or a good time, a word for a concept.The abstract noun form of the adjective 'jolly' is jolliness.The abstract noun form of the verb to 'jolly' is the gerund, jollying.