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Q: Is it a fact or opinion to say the research team has discovered a new method for conducting this complicated chemical analysis?
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The research team has discovered a new method for conducting this complicated chemical analysis. Is it a Fact or Opinion?


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How do you determine the chemical make up on the molecular level of a piece of corn?

The chemical makeup of a piece of corn can be determined by conducting chemical analysis techniques such as chromatography, mass spectrometry, and nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy. These techniques help identify the specific molecules present in the corn, such as carbohydrates, proteins, lipids, vitamins, and minerals. Additionally, elemental analysis can provide information on the elemental composition of the corn.

Where all the elements discovered at the same time?

No, elements were not all discovered at the same time. Elements have been discovered over time through various scientific methods such as chemical analysis, experimentation, and observation. The periodic table continues to be updated as new elements are discovered.

Can we authenticate a painting?

Yes, it is possible to authenticate a painting by conducting a thorough analysis of its materials and techniques, provenance research, and possibly scientific testing such as carbon dating or chemical analysis. Consulting with art experts or appraisers can also help in determining the authenticity of a painting.

How many types of chemical analysis?

There are several types of chemical analysis, including qualitative analysis, quantitative analysis, instrumental analysis, and spectroscopic analysis. These methods are used to determine the composition, structure, and properties of substances.

Why do we rely on chemical changes to survive?

Life is a complicated series of chemical reactions.

Is conducting electricity physical property or chemical property?

It is a physical property.

What three characteristics do chemists study?

- chemical synthesis- chemical analysis- chemical properties

Who invented the chemical element cesium?

In 1860, cesium was discovered by two chemists named Robert Wilhelm Bunsen and Gustav Robert Kirchhoff through spectroscopic analysis. These chemists did not invent this element, which has an atomic number of 55.

Who discovered the elements of water?

Antoine Lavoisier and Joseph Priestley independently discovered that water is composed of hydrogen and oxygen in the late 18th century. Lavoisier demonstrated this through experiments and chemical analysis, while Priestley isolated oxygen from water through his own experiments.