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If you mean that the light is in the glass, and the air is on the "outside", then yes. The other way it isn't possible; for total internal reflection, the material through which light travels must needs have a higher refractive index.

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Q: Is it possible to have total internal reflection of light incident from air to glass?
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Where is Total internal reflection occurs when a beam of light Answer?

Total internal reflection occurs under two conditions; 1)the light must be traveling from more dense to less dense mediums 2)the light ray must hit the surface at an angle ,called the critical angle, or larger, as measured from a perpendicular (surface normal) line to the surfaces. The critical angle is typically in the 40 - 50 deg range, but specifically depends on the densities of the two media.

What is the advantage of using prisms in a periscope rather than plane mirrors?

A bathroom mirror has a reflective film (usually sputtered silver) applied to its rear surface. Unfortunately rear reflective surface mirrors produce slight double images since a small amount of light reflects off of the front surface of the glass in addition to the light reflected off of the silver on the rear glass surface. A front surface mirror has a reflective film (usually an extremely thin layer of vacuum deposited aluminum) applied to the front surface of the glass. The problem with the above types of mirrors is that salt water is corrosive to metals. Salt water exposure would quickly eat away at the silver or aluminum coatings which create the reflection in the above types of mirrors. So instead periscopes use right angle glass prisms since right angle glass prisms inherently produce an internal reflection, since no metal film is needed in order to create this internal reflection, and since the glass is very resistant to corrosion from salt water.

What is a glass slab?

it is a substance made of glass having 3 dimensions and is cuboid shaped. It does not deviate the light. This means that the incident and the emergent ray are parallel. The slab only produces lateral (sideways) shift or displacement.

Why are reflections upside down in a glass of water?

because the spoon is concave, making the reflection upside down

How does glass refract light?

Let us consider the beam of light incident on the boundary surface between two substances - glass with refractive index n=1.5 and air with refractive index n=1. One part of light will reflect from such a boundary surface and other part will pass through it being refracted. The total energy in the reflected and refracted rays is equal to the energy of the incident light, but the proportion of the intensities in these two rays will depend upon the refractive index difference, the angle of incidence, the light polarization and direction in which the light is passing the border (from glass to air or from air to glass). Animations below show four possible cases of the light beam transmission:Glass -> AirVideoAir -> GlassVideoParallelpolarizationPerpendicularpolarizationThe polarization is called parallel when the vector of electric field E lies in the plane of incident ray and normal to the border (see the figure below). In other case the polarization is called perpendicularAccording to Fresnel formula the angles q1of the incident wave, q2 of the reflected wave and q3 of the refracted wave are given by the equation:q1 = q2n1sinq1 = n2sinq3The intensity reflection coefficients R and R^ and transmission coefficients T and T^ (for the parallel and perpendicular polarization consequently) are described by the equations:For the ray incident normally to the border there is no difference between the parallel and perpendicular components. In this case we can write:The dependencies for the reflection coefficients R and for transmission coefficients T are given in the following figures:We can see from these figures and animations that for the light incident from the glass into the air there is an angle when the Total Internal Reflection (TIR) is observed. This means that any ray propagating in a glass at angles bigger than a critical angle (about 42&#65533; for glass-air interface) will be totally reflected and will not pass into the air. This effect is used for transmission of the light signals by the glass fiber over the large distance without a considerable attenuation.qTIR = arcsin(n2/n1), n1 > n2We can see also in the figure that for the light propagating from the air into the glass there is an angle at which the light with parallel polarization will not reflect, while the intensity of the perpendicularly polarized light is not zero. This angle is called Brewster's angle (56&#65533;40' for glass-air interface) and used for creation of the light polarizers and in lasers.qBR = arctg(n2/n1), n1 < n2

Related questions

Is it possible to have internal reflection of light incident from air to glass?

If you mean that the light is in the glass, and the air is on the "outside", then yes. The other way it isn't possible; for total internal reflection, the material through which light travels must needs have a higher refractive index.

How will you demonstrate total internal reflection?

you can demonstrate total internal reflection using a light source and glass gratings.

What will happen to a light Ray incident on a glass-to-air boundary at greater than the critical angles?

If a light ray is incident on a glass-to-air boundary at an angle greater than the critical angle, total internal reflection will occur. This means that all of the light will be reflected back into the glass medium and none will be transmitted into the air.

Can total internal reflection occur in iron substances?

Total internal reflection typically occurs in materials with a higher refractive index than air, such as glass or water. Iron, being a metal, has a lower refractive index than air, so total internal reflection is not likely to occur in iron substances.

Is there space between the layer in a laminated glass so that total internal reflection can Occur?

No, in laminated glass, the two or more layers of glass are bonded together with a layer of polyvinyl butyral (PVB) or resin. There is no space between the layers for total internal reflection to occur. Total internal reflection happens when light is completely reflected at the boundary between two different mediums, such as air and glass.

What is the critical angel for total internal reflection in most glass?

The critical angle for total internal reflection in glass is approximately 42 degrees. This means that any light ray entering the glass at an angle greater than 42 degrees will be reflected back into the glass rather than refracted out of it.

What is the minimum index of refraction for a glass or plastic prism to be used in binoculars so that total internal reflection occurs at 45 degrees?

The minimum index of refraction for total internal reflection at a 45-degree angle is 1.41. This means that the glass or plastic prism would need to have an index of refraction greater than or equal to 1.41 to achieve total internal reflection at that angle.

When light passes from air to glass the light may change direction due to reflection?

When light passes from air to glass, some of the light may reflect off the surface due to differences in the refractive index of the two mediums. This reflection can cause the light to change direction and possibly create glare or reflections.

Do concave lenses have total internal reflection?

No, concave lenses do not exhibit total internal reflection. Total internal reflection occurs when light traveling through a medium encounters a boundary with a lower refractive index at an angle greater than the critical angle. Concave lenses are designed to converge light rays, whereas total internal reflection typically occurs at interfaces like air-water or glass-air.

What are the types of reflection?

There are two main types of reflection: internal reflection, where a person reflects internally on their thoughts, feelings, and experiences; and external reflection, where a person engages in conversation or written reflection with others to gain new insights or perspectives. Both types of reflection are valuable for personal growth and learning.

In fiber optic cables what reflects the light back into the core?

This is done by total internal reflection. It is the result of the fact that the inner glass and the outer glass have different indices of refraction (the outside glass has a lower index of refraction).

What is the critical angle for glass to air surface?

The critical angle for glass to air surface is approximately 42 degrees. This means that when light travels from glass to air and the angle of incidence exceeds 42 degrees, total internal reflection occurs.