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Because water and oil molecules won't react with each other.

But when any detergent is mixed with this heterogeneous mixture , the heterogeneous mixture will become a homogeneous mixture.

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Q: Is oil in your clothes soluble in dry cleaning solvent?
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Which of the following solvent is used for dry cleaning of clothes?


What do dry cleaners do?

cleaning clothes and fabrics by using a chemical solvent that contains little or no water.

What do dry cleaners actually do?

cleaning clothes and fabrics by using a chemical solvent that contains little or no water.

Why would dry cleaners use nonpolar tetrachloroethylene C2Cl4 to get cheeseburger grease out of your clothes?

Because of the solvent is fat-soluble

What is dry cleaning?

dry cleaning is a process of cleaning clothes without the use of water

How to Do Your Own Dry Cleaning?

Taking clothes to a drycleaner can be both expensive and time consuming. You have to pay both for your clothes to be dry-cleaned and also for the gas used to drive to drop off and pick up your clothes. Fortunately, there is a solution to wasting time and money like this, and it’s to use home dry-cleaning kits.The first step to doing your own dry-cleaning is to pre-treat the clothes. First, you need to inspect your dry-clean only clothes for any spots or stains. If you find any, you need to have a cleaning solvent on hand. Thankfully, a cleaning solvent is generally included with most home dry-cleaning kits. Place an absorbent pad, which may also be provided, on the other side of the fabric where the spot is and then slowly apply the solvent. Gently rub in the solvent until the stain disappears.The next step is to do the actual dry-cleaning. For this you need a special dry-cleaning bag and a dryer-activated cloth. Both should have come with the kit. Usually, the bag will fit one to three articles of dry-clean only clothing. You should place the clothes inside the bag with the dryer-activated cloth.Once the bag is sealed, place it inside your dryer. You should then run the dryer for fifteen to thirty minutes, depending on what the instructions say in your dry-cleaning kit. While your clothes are in the dryer, the dryer-activated cloth will release a small amount of water, some perfume, and an emulsifying agent to clean your clothes.After the cycle you set for your dryer finishes, remove the clothes from the bag and put them on hangers. This will help remove any wrinkles while the clothes are still warm. If the wrinkles do not disappear after you let the clothes hang for a good while, the last step is to iron out the wrinkles yourself.Using a home dry-cleaning kit and following these easy to remember instructions, you’ll find there’s no reason to bother with hauling your clothes back and forth from a drycleaner when you can do all the work a drycleaner does from the comfort of your own home.

What is carbon tetra chloride?

A volatile solvent, it was used as a dry cleaning agent.

Is the solvent that is most commonly used in dry cleaning safe for the environment?

Tetrachloroethylene, the most common solvent used for dry cleaning, is not safe for the environment. Called "perc," it can contaminate soil if spilled in it. Perchlorethylene is the solvent used by drycleaners. I've heard that tetra... is used as a degreaser.

Why petrol is not usd as a dry cleaning solvent?

Because it's vapour is too volatile

What are the common solvents used in drycleaning?

There are various types of solvents to dry clean clothes: perchlorethylene (perc) is a high percentage use in dry cleaning, and hydrocarbon , Greenearth, Rynex, carbon dioxide, a few others new to the industry and water (wet cleaning).

What had tetrachloroethylene in it?

Tetrachloroethene is used as a degreasing solvent. Brake cleaner, dry cleaning solvent and dog worming medicine all contain the material.

How does dry cleaning work?

Dry Cleaning is a process that cleans clothes without water. The cleaning fluid that is used is a liquid - most commonly perchlorethylene(perc). All garments are immersed and cleaned in a liquid solvent -- the fact that there is no water is why the process is called "dry." The process involves using a dry to dry machine like a home washer and dryer both in one machine. The garments are put in the machine's basket, immersed in the solvent. The solvent passes over and in the basket cleaning the garments within, several cycles, passing through filteration devices built into the machine, and then the basket rotates fast extracting all the solvents back into the machine's tank or the distillation device. Then the basket rotates while heat is injected into the sytem, causing the solvent to evaporate reaching the top of the machine where a refrigeration coil is situated. When the hot solvent vepor hits the very cold refrigerated coil, it recondenses (like how rain is made) back into the sytem passing through a water separator removing any ambient moisture that had been transfered from dry garments into the solvent that they were cleaned with. This process of drying takes 20-30 minutes, and the garments are returned to a clean dry but usually wrinkly state. This is the end of the cleaning process. from here the garments are moved to the pressing stations, where the wrinkles are removed, and fabric is pressed to a level of perfection varied by the dry cleaner involved. Alex Najafi