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yes its possible in zone iv as there boiling water temp is 100 degree celcius n freezing 0 degree celcius.

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Q: Is thermometer calibrated in house
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Mention any two points of difference between a clinical thermometer and an ordinary mercury thermometer?

A clinical thermometer will offer more precise calibrated readings than a mercury thermometer. The range of measurable temperature differs between a clinical and a mercury thermometer with the mercury thermometer having the wider range.

How could you calibrate a thermometer which had no scale marked?

Put it in a pot of water. Boil the water. Then mark the spot on the thermometer at which the water boils - the spot you marked will be 100 degrees celsius. Then put it in water in the freezer and mark it. The point at which the water freezes will be 0 degrees celsius. Then measure the length between 0 and 100 and make 9 equal marks for each 10 degrees and your thermometer is calibrated.

What is the advantages and desvantadges of sing a thermorcouple instead of a regular lab thermometer?

A thermocouple may be more useful than a regular lab thermometer if you want to measure fairly high temperatures. A disadvantage is that thermocouples may be subject to wear and may not be very accurate or precise. The thermocouple must be calibrated against a known standard before it is used for measurement.

On a calibrated thermometer what is 98.6?

The temperature 98.6°F (approximately equal to 37° Celsius) is the reference temperature long used to represent the average "normal human body temperature." The actual base temperature varies by individual, and is slightly lower in most adults. An individual's body temperature also varies throughout the day, generally lower at night and higher during the day.

What is a dual probe thermometer?

this is a thermometer that can work twice as much as a normal thermometer or a thermometer that can check the temperature of two things at the same time

Related questions

How is a thermometer calibrated?

It is calibrated by puttin it in some ice.

What are the errors in the use of thermometer?

A thermometer must be calibrated before use to avoid false readings.

Why is it necessary to use a calibrated thermometer?

This is important for making correct measurements.

What is immersion thermometer?

A total immersion thermometer is one that has been calibrated to read correctly when the entire thermometer is submerged in a homogeneously temperated liquid/medium.

Why it is important the luquid in the thermometer has uniformly?

It is important for the liquid in the thermometer to be uniform for accurate measurements. If a thermometer is not calibrated properly, it will detect measurements in temperatures that are inaccurate.

What is total immersion thermometer?

A total immersion thermometer is one that has been calibrated to read correctly when the entire thermometer is submerged in a homogeneously temperated liquid/medium.

How often should a thermometer be calibrated?

Every 4 Years Every 4 Years

Why are thermometers calibrated?

So that you know that they show the true value, and that the results collected with one thermometer can be compared with the result collected from another thermometer.

Can the temperature sensor be accurately calibrated without using a reference thermometer?

Put it into a temperature controlled enviroment

How long does it really take to get a reading on an instant meat thermometer?

As long as your meat thermometer is calibrated correctly, it should only take about 2-5 seconds to get a reading.

Mention any two points of difference between a clinical thermometer and an ordinary mercury thermometer?

A clinical thermometer will offer more precise calibrated readings than a mercury thermometer. The range of measurable temperature differs between a clinical and a mercury thermometer with the mercury thermometer having the wider range.

How is a pocket thermometer calibrated?

1 American nickel weighs 5.0 grams even, any single American dollar weighs 1.0 gram even.