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yes, electomagnetic

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Q: Light is one type of wave that can travel through empty space to transfer?
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What are not able to travel through empty space ultraviolet waves or sound waves?

Sound waves cannot travel through empty space because they require air particles to transfer them. UV is a light wavelength and can travel through space (just like light from the Sun reaches the planets).

What does light travel through best empty space or matter?

Light travels fastest through empty space.

Does light travel through empty spaces?

yes it does..

What is waves that can travel through empty space?


What kind of wave is able to travel through both matter and empty space?

A type of wave that can travel through empty space as well as through matter is electromagnetic wave. Light travels fastest in empty spaces.

Can light waves travel through an empty space?


Why does light travel faster through empty space than matter?

It doesn't travel faster through a vacuum. In our Universe there is no such thing as empty space.

Why can electromagnetic radiation travel through empty space?

Electromagnetic waves do not require a medium, so they can transfer through a vacuum, or empty space.

What is an empty space that contains no matter that light can travel through?

A vacuum.

Does light waves travel fastest through empty space?

Light waves, like all electromagnetic waves, travel without a medium, so they can travel through empty space. Sound waves, on the other hand, do require a medium to travel or propagate; therefore, they can not travel through empty space.

What is an example of a wave that can travel through empty spaces?

Light waves can travel through empty spaces. Any type of electromagnetic waves, from below ELF (<< 3 Hz) up through gamma rays (> 30 EHz) can travel through empty space. Visible light is just the one band from 430 THz to 790 THz. The only type of waves that can travel through empty space are electromagnetic waves.

Do Light Waves Require Mediums?

Light waves can travel through empty space. You might say that the empty space is the medium in this case.