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scientific method

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Q: Means of attaining knowledge by repeated observation and experimentation?
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Scientific hypotheses are more often tested by the process of?

Repeated observation and experimentation.

What can a hypothesis become if it is supported by repeated experimentation?

Answer this question… What can a hypothesis become if it is supported by repeated experimentation?

What is repeated observation?

A repeated observation is when you repeat an observation that was already used

What can a hypothesis become if its supported by repeated experimentation?

Answer this question… What can a hypothesis become if it is supported by repeated experimentation?

What is the definition of science?

Science is the study of the world using collected knowledge, observation, and experimentation. A "science" is any one of innumerable fields of study and inquiry, some of which include facets of mental as well as physical phenomena. Science can be defined as a method for studying the natural world. Another definition is "the organized body of knowledge concerning the physical world, both animate and inanimate, and the attitudes and methods through which this body of knowledge is formed." Science is the systematic study of nature. Science is all about discovering how and why things happen in the world. Science is a human enterprise in which knowledge is acquired and organized through careful observation, analysis, and repeated experimentation. It consists of objective truths about nature and society.

What will a hypothesis become if it is supported repeated experimentation?

A scientific theory

What is science based on?

Science is based on observations and repeated experimentation.

What will hypothesis become if it is supported by repeated experimentation?

a scientific theory

Why is a proper procedure vital to experimentation?

So that it can be repeated reliably by others.

What will a hypothesis become if it's supported by repeated experimentation?

A scientific theory

How can 'science' be defined?

Science is any branch of human knowledge based on facts that are verifiable by observation and experiment. It is also the human activity of pursuing knowledge using a systematic approach known as the 'scientific method'. This approach consists of asking a question or stating a problem concerning a given concept, formulating a hypothesis based on that question or problem, and then verifying the truth of that concept by careful observation and repeated experimentation in order to acquire new knowledge or to revise existing knowledge. Science is mainly concerned with knowledge about objective reality, especially that of nature and human behavior. Common themes that are explored across all scientific disciplines include the composition, function, and evolution of systems or structures, whether they be physical, biological, social, or technological.

What is an explanation of an event that is based on repeated observation and experiments?
