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Q: Most metals are what at room temperature?
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Most common state at room temperature for metal?

Most metals at room temperature are solids

What is the state of matter that most metals are in?

That obviously depends on the temperature. At room temperature, most metals are solid.

What room temperature most metals are?


Most metals are NOT?

Liquid at room temperature.

What is the physical state at room temperature for most metals?

With the exception of mercury and bromine, which is a liquid, metals are solid at room temperature.

Are metals solid liquids or gasses at room temperature?

Most non metals are usually liquids or gases at room temperature, although not specifically one or the other. It depends on the properties of the substance. Most metals are solids at room temperature, with the exception of Mercury.

What room temperature are most metals are in in?

Most metals are solids at room temperature. They're not liquids, and they're certainly not gases. Mercury is the only metal that is a liquid in this temperature range. There are 5 metals that are liquid at or close to room temperature. Cesium, Francium, Gallium, Rubidium, and Mercury.Almost all metals are solid at Room temperature and Pressure, except for Mercury, which is a liquid.

In which phase do most elements occur at room temperature?

Most metals at room temperature are in the solid phase. Gold is the most malleable and ductile of all known metals.

What state are most of the metals at room temperature?


Are most metals liquids or solid at room temperature?


Are most metals liquid at room temperature?

no. only mercury is.

At room temperature no metals are what state of matter?

No metals are in a gaseous form at room temperature. Most are solids and one (Mercury chemical symbol Hg) is a liquid.