

Natural selection example

Updated: 4/28/2022
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13y ago

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A great example would be Antibiotics and Bacteria. When humans create an antibiotic, it wipes out a lot of the bacteria in your body. The ones that that don't get affected by it probably have a resistance to the antibiotic. As those bacteria multiply and grow, the others die out due to the antibioitic. Soon the anti-biotic resistant bacteria will take over the human body, and the humans would have to find another antibiotic to counter the new bacteria. The cycle goes on and on......

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How is Natural Selection different from Artificial Selection?

Natural selection is when the traits that make an organism survive and reproduce better in their environment become more common. An example of natural selection would be light moths changing to dark-coloredmoths to adapt to their environment. Like the tree barks they live on turning black, they too would turn dark-coloredfor better survival and an advantage to hide from predators.Artificial selection is intentional breeding for certain traits. An example would be a florist breeding two pretty plants to get a pretty plant..yeah,bad example but you get the idea lol.

Describe an example of how natural selection influenced the evolution of a particular species?

a great example is the peppered moth. look up the full story in wikipedia

Natural selection acts on variation by?

Natural selection acts on variation by picking out from a population's gene pool those that are more fit to survive. More variation leads to more natural selection. For example, currently endangered cheetas are found out to have less genetic variation than other animals. As a result, if a disatrouous event occured, there are no genes that could help the cheetas survived. Thus, natural selection prevent the cheetas from reproducing as a population and they become extinct.

The change of Englands Biston betularia moth populations from light colored to dark colored is an example of?

natural selection!

Why is natural selection random?

No. Natural selection is the non-random survival of randomly varying replicators. The random variation part could be thought of as mutation and recombination that the non-randompart, natural selection, works with.