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That means that both the frequency and the wavelength of microwaves are also between those of infrared and radio waves.

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Q: On the electromagnetic spectrum microwaves are located between infrared waves and radio waves. Which is true for microwaves?
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Is orange light a type of electromagnetic radiation?

yes, it's between red and yellow waves on the electromagnetic spectrum.

When was infrared discovered?

According to NASA infrared radiation was first discovered in 1800, by a British astronomer named William Herschel. In an experiment to measure the difference in temperature between the colors in the visible spectrum, he placed thermometers in the path of light within each color of the visible spectrum. He observed an increase in temperature from blue to red, including an even warmer temperature measurement just beyond the red end of the visible spectrum.

What is the relationship between the colors you saw and the lines of the electromagnetic spectrum produced by the metals?

Each chemical element has a different spectrum; and each color has a specific wavelength.

Short note on light?

"Light" is a very narrow band of radiation in the electromagnetic spectrum - approximately 400 nanometers (nm) to 700 nm. It is located between ultraviolet and infrared radiation and is special because we have evolved the capability to see this radiation as the light that we know and all of its colors.

A wave where matter vibrates at right angles to the direction in which the wave travels?

Without going into a lot of detail trying to describe them, that phenomenon is referred to as an "electromagnetic wave". They are all around us. Depending on wavelength, they have names like 'radio', 'microwaves', 'heat', 'light', 'ultraviolet', 'x-ray', and 'gamma ray'.

Related questions

Why is microwaves found between infrared and radio waves?

the electromagnetic spectrum (all existing radiation) is organized in order of shortest wavelength from the left to longest wavelength from the right. Infrared waves, felt as heat, are slightly longer than the visible light spectrum, and microwaves longer still, and radio waves longer still.

Are microwaves made out of rocks?

NO: Microwaves are electromagnetic radiation occupying the spectrum between radio and infra-red.

Where does light fall electromagnetic spectrum?

between infrared and ultra voilet

Which best explains the relationship between the electromagnetic spectrum and sight?

Visible light and infrared light are the parts of the electromagnetic spectrum that can be seen with the eye.

Which band of the electromagnetic spectrum has a wavelength in between infrared and uv?

Visible light.

What part of the electromagnetic spectrum is commonly used to exchange data between a PDA and a computer?

Infrared. :)

What electromagnetic wave is located between infrared radiation and ultraviolet radiation in the visible spectrum?

The term "electromagnetic" is the wrong term. The correct term is "photoelectric". Aslo the phrase between the infrared and ultraviolet should be stated: between the thresholds of infrared and ultra-violet light. So the correct question would be: What is the region of the photoelectric spectrum that lies between the thresholds of infrared and ultra-violet light? Answer: The visible light spectrum

What portion of the engergy spectrum is visible light?

Visible light is in the portion of the electromagnetic spectrum between infrared (IR) and ultraviolet (UV) light.

What are infra red rays?

== == Infrared light lies between the visible and microwave portions of the electromagnetic spectrum. Infrared light has a range of wavelengths, just like visible light has wavelengths that range from red light to violet. "Near infrared" light is closest in wavelength to visible light and "far infrared" is closer to the microwave region of the electromagnetic spectrum. The longer, far infrared wavelengths are about the size of a pin head and the shorter, near infrared ones are the size of cells, or are microscopic.

Why infrared is named as infrared?

This has to do with the electromagnetic spectrum. Whether you know it or not, Gamma-rays, ultraviolet, X-rays, microwaves, visible light, infrared, and radio/tv waves are all the same thing, just in different doses. Infrared literally means "below-red", while ultraviolet means (beyond or above violet, or purple). With fore-said spectrum, visible lights highest frequency color appears to us as purple. At a slightly lower frequency we observe blue, then green, followed by yellow, and eventually red. In between each of these colors we observe intermediate colors like magenta, teal, orange and pink. At a frequency lower than, or below, red, we begin to enter the infrared area of the electromagnetic spectrum. Above purple, we enter the ultraviolet area of the electromagnetic spectrum.

Visible light occupies which position in which part of the electromagnetic spectrum?

Visible light is above the Infrared Spectrum and below the Ultarviolet Spectrum roughly from 400 Terahertz to 800 Terahertz.

What type of electromagnetic waves are used for radars?

Microwave (portion of EM Spectrum lying between radio wave and infrared wave).