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Parts of an Animal Cell and their Functions

Cell Membrane: The cell membrane is the outer most part of the cell which encloses all the other cell organelles. The cell membrane function is to control the influx of the nutrients and minerals in and out of the cell.

Cell Cytoplasm: Cytoplasm is supposed to be the matrix or gel like substance/fluid present inside the cell. It is mainly made up of water and protein material. The cytoplasm is the key site wherein all life processes occur. Read structure and functions of cytoplasm to know more on this cell organelle.

Nucleus: Cell nucleus is supposed to be the brainor the control center of the cell and thus one of the most important animal cell parts. It contains the genetic material i.e. the DNA (Deoxyribonucleic acid) and the chromosomes. The DNA is made up of nucleotides which eventually help in protein formation by the process of transcription and translation.

Nucleolus: Nucleolus is a dark stained area inside the nucleus mainly responsible for the protein formation using RNA (Ribonucleic acid).

Nuclear Membrane: This is the porous, protective sheath that covers the nucleus which allows influx of substances and is one of the distinctive characteristics of an animal cell. Read more on nuclear membrane function.

Nucleoplasm: This dense fluid inside the nucleus contains chromatin fibers, which condense to form chromosomes and genes which carry hereditary information.

Mitochondria: Mitochondria are among the largest cell organelles also known as the engine house of the cells. Oxygen combines with glucose to form energy (ATP) required for metabolism and cellular activities in this organelle. It is an independent organelle having its own Mitochondrial DNA, RNA and ribosomes owing to self replication and duplication.

Ribosomes: As I mentioned previously, protein synthesis (transcription and translation) takes place in ribosomes. These organelles could be bound to the endoplasmic reticulum or free floating in the cytoplasm.

Lysosomes: These are membrane bound sacs containing enzymes needed to break down unnecessary parts of the cell for reuse. It mainly helps phagocytosis and promotes intracellular digestion.

Centrosomes: These small organelles surrounded by the microtubules or the centrosphere, contain the centrioleswhich are responsible for the initiation of cell division.

Endoplasmic Reticulum (ER): The animal cell model clearly suggests ER to be the second largest cell organelle after mitochondria since these form a series of interconnecting flattened tubular tunnels; rough endoplasmic reticulum (RER) and smooth endoplasmic reticulum (SER). The RER is mainly responsible for holding onto the proteins formed in the ribosomes, thus being rough in appearance.

Golgi Apparatus: The proteins formed and bounded by the ER need to be processed so as to perform normal functions. Golgi, membranous sacs associated chiefly with the endoplasmic reticulum, do that to release the protein chains.

Vacuoles: Smaller gas and membrane vacuoles filled with fluids and water are present in animal cells. Their main function is storage.

Having got to know the various animal cell parts, I hope it's easy for you to understand an animal cell and its importance.

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