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There are several sources of natural or background radiation for people.

First, there are naturally occurring radioactive elements in the crust of the earth which have been present since the earth's formation. These can irradiate people in several ways.

  • They can irradiate people externally because the soil and rocks all around us (and some building materials such as concrete and brick) act as radiation sources.
  • Plants and animals that we use for food take in the radioactive elements and we ingest them along with our food.
  • Some of the radioactivity is present in the air and we inhale it along with the air.

Second, there are radioactive elements which are produced by interactions of cosmic rays with the atmosphere, the best known being carbon-14 and hydrogen-3 (or tritium). These can irradiate us in much the same ways as the elements discussed above.

Third, we are constantly irradiated by cosmic rays.

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Everyone is exposed to radiation on a continuing basis from the Sun. The energy emitted by our Sun is radiation. The atmosphere of the earth filters out most of the radiation.

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From which direction do you receive background radiation from the big bang?

From every direction that isn't blocked by the earth. The amplitude of the background radiation is almost exactly constant from all directions.

How do you prevent exposure to radiation?

Seal yourself in a lead box with no doors or windows. Actually, even that is insufficient, since you'll still receive thermal radiation. It's ridiculous to talk about "preventing" exposure to radiation, since light is radiation, as is heat, and you can't completely prevent exposure even to more harmful forms like cosmic rays.

How much radiation do you receive per year in your lives?

.2 gamma radiation every year for humans but it is natural

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X ray technicians are around the radiation of x-rays all day every day. They need to keep their exposure down to minimum and have to wear badges that monitor how much radiation they receive on a monthly to yearly basis. There is a limit to the amount of radiation exposure a tech can receive without harmful effects to their body or health. Whereas patient's don't typically get x-rays or radiation exposure on the regular basis so a couple x rays aren't likely to cause any adverse effects.

What are some primary contributors to background radiation?

Radiation is a natural part of the universe. It comes from cosmic rays, the big bang, stars, rocks, soil, and gasses. Even BANANAS are radioactive. Google "radioactive bananas" for a real treat!

How much radiation would a passenger receive in a 7 hour airplane flight?

Radiation? You don't get radiation flying!

What is risk of radiation in California by Japan crisis?

Currently, you are far more likely to be hit by lightening twice than to have any issue with the radiation from Japan in any portion of the United States. The background radiation numbers in Tokyo (only 150 miles away from the problem) are roughly the same as we have normally in New York. You will receive more radiation from a window seat in a plane, then you will from this situation.

Can too much radiation from x-rays and ct-scan cause infertility in men?

Yes but the level of exposure that the average person would have to receive in order for that to occur is typically more than the typical diagnostic exposure time a patient would receive on a single visit. While CT's to give the most exposure at one time, unless it was a direct shot to the testes, one CT is unlikely (thought not impossible. There are rare exceptions to all cases with radiation) that it would happen. X-rays are far lower dosage and shielding of a patient's reproductive organs is typically done by technologists at all possible times.

What are some naturally occurring ways we receive radiation?

I assume you mean ionizing electromagnetic radiation. Cathode ray tube televisions (i.e. the non-flatscreen televisions) and some other electric devices produce some radiation. While it might sound pretty excessive all these sources add up to a very small amount of radiation. About 2.4 mSv. Most additional radiation people receive are from medical imaging methods such as a CT-scan (20 mSv)

What is the penalty for indecent exposure in the state of Missouri?

A person may receive a fine of up to $20,000. A person could also receive up to a year in prison for indecent exposure.

Are tanning beds generally safe?

You are exposed to ultraviolet radiation inside a tanning bed, just as you are in the sun. This UV exposure causes skin cancer, regardless of the source. In addition, you can receive a bad burn in a tanning bed just as you can in the sun. So tanning beds are generally no safer than sun exposure.

How much of the energy that reaches earth is supplied by the sun through the radiation?

All of it. Earth doesn't receive a significant amount of radiation through any other means.All of it. Earth doesn't receive a significant amount of radiation through any other means.All of it. Earth doesn't receive a significant amount of radiation through any other means.All of it. Earth doesn't receive a significant amount of radiation through any other means.