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Thats Very False!! NOT TRUE!

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Q: Plants can only cause mechanical weathering?
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Does a cold climate help mechanical weathering?

No. mechanical weathering is the breaking and separating of rock or other materials. In order for mechanical weathering to occur you need water or some kind of mass movement. the only erosional agent which works with mechanical weathering are creep and solifluction, but mechanical weathering itself cannot happen because if it is too cold the frost wedging cannot happen becasue the water would freeze in contact and would not expand

What are sound waves called?

Sound waves are called mechanical waves cause they need a material medium for their flow. Not only are they mechanical, but compression & lonqitudinal. -Apex:)

What are three causes of chemical weathering?

Chemical weathering is the dissolution, carbonation, oxidation, or hydrolysis of rock and mineral by chemical means only, mostly from reactions with water or the acids contained in rainwater.Other materials are formed in the process. Warm, tropical climates are ideal environments for chemical weathering to take place as the chemical reactions are quickened by the bountiful rain and warm temperatures. Water, oxygen, carbon dioxide, living organisms, and acid precipitation.

Is milk good for watering plants?

Not likely. Plants do just as well with water, being able to synthesize all its own nutrients and vitamins and proteins. The only thing you would achieve with watering plants with milk is increase bacterial growth in and around the plant soils, which may actually be decremental to the plant, as well as create a foul smell. will cause the plant and have fungus....... will cause the plant and have fungus.......

Consumers that eat only plants?

A consumer that only eats plants is an herbivore. In humans, the practice of not consuming animal products is known as veganism.

Related questions

Is it true that plants can only cause mechanical weathering?

no because it can use something else than the chemical weathering

Mechanical weathering and chemical weathering?

can you tell me about chemical and mechanical weathering

What are the difference between mechanical weathering and chemical weathering?

The differences are that mechanical weathering breaks rocks into little pieces.. Chemical weathering not only breaks the rock but dissolves it.

Does mechanical weathering change a rocks chemicals?

No, not at all. Chemical weathering changes the molecular composition of minerals, but mechanical weathering only changes its shape or outward appearance.

What type of weathering breaks down rocks without changing its chemical properties?

Physical (also referred to as mechanical) weathering does not cause a change in the chemistry of a rock, only a diminution of size.

Physical weathering is the type of weathering in which only a materials size or shape is changed?

Yes. Physical weathering is erosion caused by wind, dust, rain, flowing water, collapses, impacts, freezing/thawing, or glaciers.

Type of physical weathering?

Therew is only to types of weathering in my knowledge and they are Mechanical and Chemical (in scientific term). Mechanical is also know as physical.

What is Ephemeral Streams?

One that's formed only from mechanical weathering.

What is it called when rocks break down without changing in chemical composition chemical weathering oxidation leaching or mechanical weathering?

The only one from the list above that does not involve some form of chemical change is mechanical weathering.

Plants and animals cause weathering?

no thay don't because only things like water and ice and rocks and stuff like that

How the rates of mechanical and chemical weathering might differ in the Congolese rain forest and the Siberian steppes?

The rates of mechanical weathering does not affect anything since the chemical properties remain unchanged. Only chemical weathering affects the chemical properties of an object.

How the rates of mechanical and chemical weathering might different in the Congolese rain forest and the Siberian steppes?

The rates of mechanical weathering does not affect anything since the chemical properties remain unchanged. Only chemical weathering affects the chemical properties of an object.