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I would guess that the first careful measurements that are ever referenced were performed by Jacques Charles. In 1787 he did an experiment where he filled 5 balloons with with equal volumes of oxygen, hydrogen, nitrogen, carbon dioxide, and air and he heated them all to 80oC. He noticed that all five balloons increased in volume by the exact same amount, but never published his results. Charles' law (which describes the relationship between the volume of a gas and its temperature) was actually developed by Guy-Lussac, but named after Charles because of this initial unpublished experiment.

It could also be Boyle.

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Robert Boyle

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Robert Boyle! He was a chemist and an "Alchemist".

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Jaques Charles

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Mister Robert Boyle, in 1662.

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Q: Scientist who established the volume and temperature relationship of gases?
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What is the relationship of the volume of the gas to the temperature of gas?

As the temperature increases, so does the volume.

What is the relationship of volume to the temperature of a gas?

The volume of a gas is directly proportional to its temperature, assuming constant pressure. This relationship is described by Charles's Law. As the temperature of a gas increases, the volume it occupies will also increase proportionally, and vice versa.

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What relationship does Charle's law describe?

The relationship between temperature and volume

What relationship does Charles's law describe?

The relationship between temperature and volume

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Boyle's law is named after the scientist Robert Boyle, an Irish natural philosopher, chemist, physicist, and inventor. He discovered the relationship between the pressure and volume of a gas at constant temperature.

A graph of charles's law shows the relationship between?

A graph of Charles' Law shows the relationship between Volume vs. Temperature. Volume is placed on the y axis and temperature on the x axis. The relationship is linear if temperature is in units of Kelvin.

What happens first in Charles apex?

In Charles' Law, the volume of a gas is directly proportional to its temperature, if pressure and amount of gas are held constant. As the temperature of a gas increases, its volume expands and vice versa. This relationship was observed by French scientist Jacques Charles in the late 18th century.

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This graph of Charles Law would show the relationship of volume of a gas as a function of the temperature at constant pressure.

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What relationship does boyle's law describe?

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