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Selective breeding.

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Q: Selecting and crossing individuals with similar charateristics so that those characteristics will be present in the offspring is called?
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What are the 4 key principles of natural selection?

1. Overproduction - more offspring are born than survive 2. Genetic Variation - there is variation in the population 3. Struggle to Survive - organisms with suitable variations will survive and reproduce 4. Differential Reproduction - suitable variations are passed on to offspring

Natural selection is based on what 5 observations?

The theory of natural selection is based on the following assumptions about the nature of living things: 1. All organisms produce more offspring than can survive. 2. No two organisms are exactly alike. 3. Among organisms, there is a constant struggle for survival. 4. Individuals that possess favorable characteristics for their environment have a higher rate of survival and produce more offspring. 5. Favorable characteristics become more common in the species, and unfavorable characteristics are lost.

What are characteristics passed from parent to offspring called?

genetic traits

What is the difference between a pure line and a inbred?

A pure line (pure breed) refers to a group of individuals that consistently breed to produce a certain characteristic - and have the same genetic makeup (for those characteristics). For example, Guinea pigs with BB will produce offspring with black fur, these are purebred. However, Guinea pigs with Bb are not purebred (as they could have offspring with black or white fur). Inbred individuals have parents that are closely related, such as brother/sister, or cousins.

Is it true that the inheritance of biological characteristics is determined by genes that are passed from their parents to their offspring?

It's a bit more complicated than that - but yes.

Related questions

Crossing individuals with similar characteristics so that those characteristics will appear in the offspring is called what?


Crossing individuals with similar characteristics so that those characteristics will appear in their offspring is called?


How do Breeders cross dissimilar individuals to bring together the best of both organisms?

Breeders cross dissimilar individuals by selecting traits from each parent that they want to combine in the offspring, and then mating those parents to produce hybrids. By selectively breeding individuals with desirable traits, breeders can bring together the best characteristics of both organisms in the offspring. This process is known as hybridization or crossbreeding.

What is a charateristics that can be passed only from one living thing to its young?

Genetic information, such as DNA, is a characteristic that can be passed from one living thing to its young. This information determines the traits and characteristics of the offspring, resulting in inherited traits being passed down from parent to offspring.

What does it mean to breed characteristics or traits?

Breeding characteristics or traits involves carefully selecting parent organisms with specific desirable traits to produce offspring that inherit those traits. This process is common in agriculture and animal breeding to improve various qualities such as size, color, or disease resistance in the offspring.

What is human offspring?

Human offspring refers to the biological descendants of two human parents. Offspring inherit genetic information from their parents, which determines their physical characteristics and traits. They are the next generation of individuals within the human species.

Why do offspring resemble their parents more than random other individuals?

Offspring resemble their parents more than random individuals due to inheritance of genetic material from their parents. Offspring inherit a unique combination of genes from both parents, which influences their physical and behavioral traits. This genetic similarity is the reason why offspring share more characteristics with their parents than with unrelated individuals.

What is creation of offspring?

Creation of offspring is the process by which new individuals are produced through sexual or asexual reproduction. This involves the fusion of genetic material from two parents, resulting in offspring with a combination of traits from both parents. The offspring inherit characteristics from their parents that determine their physical and behavioral attributes.

What is the term used to describe the process of creating offspring?

The term used to describe the process of creating offspring is reproduction. It involves the production of new individuals which share characteristics inherited from their parents.

What is the study of inherited characteristics?

The study of inherited characteristics is known as genetics. Genetics focuses on the study of genes, inheritance patterns, and variations in individuals that are passed down from generation to generation. It explores how traits and characteristics are transmitted from parents to offspring.

How do breeding programmes work?

Breeding programs involve selecting individuals with desirable traits to mate, aiming to pass those traits to offspring. This process can improve characteristics like disease resistance or yield in crops, or health and temperament in animals. By carefully controlling mating partners, breeders can create new generations with targeted traits.

The triat that appears in the offspring is called?

the characteristics which are passed on by to a offspring by its parents