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Metal has a metallic luster and is a conductor.

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an object that is lustrous could be sheet metal or copper

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spoon, metal, ect. why shiny stuff?

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Q: Shiny objects that reflect light
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Why do shiny objects reflect light spectrum?

because they have no darkness

How many items reflect light?

1 that is shiny objects

Do only shiny objects reflect light?

No, everything that we can see (besides objects the produce light eg sun, light bulb) reflect light. If it didn't reflect light we would not be able to see it.

Do shiny objects reflect light well?

Yes. very well

Why does shiny and light coloured objects reflect more light than rough and dark objects?

Well that is sort of the definition of "shiny" and "light"... The outer electrons in theses materials have the ability to send incoming photons back out.

What objects do reflect light well?

reflect light well-normally shinysmooth pale colour objects: mirror, glass, shiny metal, tin foil...these objects favour a good image due to the reflection of light is regular do not reflect light well-usually rough, matt , dark colured objects: tree trunk, car wheel, dark carboard, brick, stone, dark opaque plastic... These objects diffuse the picture or do not giva a picture at all because reflected light is irregular.

Which objects other then mirrors reflect light?

Anything shiny, such asjewelrysilverwareand glitter.Technically, everything reflects light because if nothing did, you couldn't see anything. But basically anything that is shiny "reflects" light.

What objects reflect lots of light?

Anything white, shiny, reflective... A mirror would probably be the most reflective.

Does a shiny penny reflect light?

yes. a penny can reflect light by cutting a hole in it.

How does tinfoil reflect sunlight?

Things with shiny surfaces reflect light :)

Why are mirrors and metallic surfaces are shiny but books and doors are not?

the door and books decreased absorbing of light and the mirritating and metallic surfaces have increased reflect of light

Why do scissors look shiny?

It reflects light since it is a good reflector.