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you read it from left to right

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Q: Some say the periodic table is read like a book Explain how you read the periodic table and how this can give you information about elements in the table?
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What is a large table that scientists use to find out information about metals and other elements?

The periodic table of elements

How do chemists organize information about elements?

By grouping the elements on the Periodic Table.

What is the name of the table of elements?

The table of elements is called the Periodic Table of Elements. It organizes all known chemical elements based on their atomic number and chemical properties.

How does atomic number explain the arrangement of the periodic table?

According to the modern periodic table "Elements are the periodic function of their atomic number".They are arranged in increasing atomic no. in the periodic table.

Explain why the table of elements is periodic?

because of the electron configuration are different

How do chemicals organize information about elements?

In a periodic table.

What is a chart that lists all the known elements?

It is called the Periodic Table of Elements.

Words that describe a periodic table?

Basic information about and classifications of gallium are on the periodic table.

How many elements are listed in periodic table?

There are 118 elements listed in the periodic table.

What are the elements in the periodic table are classified as?

Elements of the Periodic Table

Will the periodic table always look the same?

No, the periodic table can change if new elements are discovered or if their properties are better understood. New elements may be added or the arrangement of elements may be modified based on advancements in scientific knowledge.

Elements on very first Periodic Table?

Yes, there were elements on the first periodic table. I believe that there are still elements on the periodic table.