

Storage organelle of a cell

Updated: 4/28/2022
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Q: Storage organelle of a cell
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What organelle serves as storage centers for the secretory product of the cell?

Golgi Apparatus

What organelle can be used for storage of waste products?

The organelle that can be used for storage of waste products is called the lysosome. The lysosome also contains chemicals that break down old cell parts.

What specialized organelle would you expect to find in a potato cell?

The specialized organelle found in a potato cell is an amyloplast. It is responsible for the synthesis and storage of starch granules.

Which cell structure is responsible for storing water and toxins in a plant cell?

This organelle is the central vacuole. It is only in plant cells and is usually the largest organelle in a plant cell.

What is the food vacoule?

The organelle in a cell that acts like a storage tank and stores food and water

Which organelle in the cell stores nutrients water and wasteand referred to as the storage room of the cell?

The organelle that stores nutrients, water, and waste in a cell is called the vacuole. It acts as the storage room of the cell, maintaining the osmotic balance and storing various molecules. In plant cells, vacuoles are typically larger and more prominent than in animal cells.

How would you use vacuole in a sentence?

The vacuole in an organelle found in all eukaryotic cells that are the storage centers for the cell.

What organelle serves as a storage site of genetic information for the animal cell?

Nucleus is ivolved in that.It is common to all

What is the difference between a mitochondria and a vacuole?

In broad terms, a vacuole is a storage organelle for the cell, while the mitochondrion produces energy in the form of ATP for the cell.

Is chloroplast a cell?

No it is not a cell.It is an cell organelle.

What is a sac inside a cell that acts as a storage area?

The storage area of a cell is called a vacuole.

Which cell organelle provides temporary storage of food?

Organelles that temporarily store substances for cell use are called vacuoles. Vacuoles are the storage units of the cell and allow the cell to not have to constantly make more food.