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Q: The Greek philosopher who gave the atom its name was?
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Democritus gave his basic particle the name atom which means what?

This name is the Greek word atomos.

Who is responsible for coming up with the name atom?

It is from the greek word 'atomos' meaning: indivisible. a=not, tomos=cutting.

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It came from a greek philosopher Empedocles

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Who gave atom its name?


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Eratosthenes, a greek philosopher, did, hence the name.

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How did the atom get its name?

Atom comes from the ancient Greek word "atomos" meaning "indivisible".

What is the name of an important philosopher in ancient Greek?

There are quite a few, check out the "Related link" below.

What was Thales first name?

Thales of Miletus was a pre-socratic Greek philosopher

Who was the philosopher who encouraged students to discover the truth by developing a questioning method?

I believe you are talking about a Greek philosopher by the name of Socrates. He took death by drinking a poison. His last moments were recorded by a Greek historian, one of his students.

What the name of author for republic?

The author of "Republic" is the ancient Greek philosopher Plato.