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Delian League

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Q: The alliance of Greek city-states was called the?
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What was the alliance of greek city states called?

Delian League

How did Itzcoatl play in on the leading of the Aztec empire?

He made the Triple Alliance. The Aztecs made an Alliance with Texcoco and Tlacopan. He made an Alliance with Texcoco and Tlacopan called the Triple Alliance. He made an Alliance with Texcoco and Tlacopan called the Triple Alliance. He made an Alliance with Texcoco and Tlacopan called the Triple Alliance. He made an Alliance with Texcoco and Tlacopan called the Triple Alliance.

Why was it called the Persian War?

It was between an alliance of Greek city-states and the Persian Empire. Today we call it the Persian War to differentiate it from the wars between the Greek city-states. It is often called the Greco-Persian War.

The city-states of Greece were called?

a greek city state is a polis The question was about the alliances of Greek city-states. Don't know the Greek translation, but in English they are referred to as leagues. the alliance between the greek city-states was called Delian League. (weazol)

What are the Greek citystates names?

Athens (smart, sporty, perfect) Megara (all about money) Sparta (TOTAL SPORT FREAKS lol) Corinth (crafts) Argos (acting and drama)

What is an alliance of nations that is fighting terrorism?

An alliance of nations is called a coalition.

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What is political units of city and surrounding land?


What was the most famous ancient Greek alliance?

it is zeus and posieden

What are the typical Greek citystates like?

Athens-Athletic, academic, perfect Corinth-Crafts, arts, etc Sparta-Sports Megara-Money, money, money Argos-Acting, drama, etc

Why did citystates fight each other?

To gain land for farming