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you cant use wiki answers for your homework kid!! Its wrong and i hope u get the answer wrong!

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Q: The blank of an element is a measure of the mass of its atoms?
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Which element makes up the largest percentage of all elements on earth?

water LOL. Water is NOT an "element". This is also an ambiguous question because it all depends on how you measure elements. For instance, you can measure an elements' "abundance" by mass or you can measure it by number of atoms. For instance, in water the most abundant element by mass is oxygen (85% of the mass of water), but by mole (# of atoms), it is hydrogen because water is H2O and therefore there are twice as many H atoms and O atoms in any amount of water. If you are referring to the earth's crust, then oxygen is the predominant element by mass, taking up 45% of the mass of the earth. By mole, hydrogen is the most abundant. If you include the atmosphere, then nitrogen predominates by mole, but oxygen continues to predominate by mass. This is not a simple question ;) but it DEFINITELY is NOT Water :-)

The molar mass of an element is the mass of one?

The molar mass of an element is the mass of one mole of atoms of that element, measured in grams per mole. It is calculated by summing the atomic masses of the atoms in a chemical formula.

What is the relationship between the atomic mass of an element and a mole of that elements atoms?

The mole is the atomic weight expressed in grams.

How many atoms are there in an element?

The number of atoms in an element depends on the element's atomic mass and the amount of the element present. One mole of an element contains approximately 6.022 x 10^23 atoms, known as Avogadro's number.

The molar mass of an element is equal to?

The molar mass of an element is equal to the atomic mass of that element expressed in grams per mole. It represents the mass of one mole of atoms of that element.

How can you fine the mass of mole of atoms of atoms of an element in grams?

To find the molar mass of an element in grams, you can look up the atomic mass of the element on the periodic table. This atomic mass is the mass of one mole of atoms of that element in grams.

What tells you how heavy an element's atoms are compared with atoms of other elements?

The atomic mass of an element tells you how heavy its atoms are compared with atoms of other elements. Atomic mass is the average mass of an atom of an element, taking into account all its isotopes and their abundance.

What is the element that has a mass of 55 and contains 30 neutrons in its atoms?

The element with a mass of 55 and 30 neutrons in its atoms is zinc (Zn). This can be determined by subtracting the number of neutrons from the atomic mass of the element.

Blank is the measure of the amount of matter in an object?

Are you looking for mass??

What does an element's atomic mass tell about the atoms that make up that element?

Atomic Mass is the no. of protons+no. of nuetron

What does an element's atomic mass tell us about the atoms that make up that element?

atomic mass is the no. of protons+no. of nuetron

What element has atoms which have a mass of 12 amu?
