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Q: The cell that does not have a cell wall is the . human cheek cell onion cell?
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What causes the shape of a human cheek cell to be different from the shape of onion's epidermal cell?

plant cells have a cell wall - animal cells do not

Describe how the onion and cheek cell were similar in observed parts what parts did they have common?

Describe how the onion and cheek cell were similar in observed parts what parts did they have common? Well they are similar because they both have a nucleus and cytoplasm. They are different because in an onion cell there is a cell wall, doesnt have chlorplast, and it is a plant. For a cheek cell it has a cell membrane, doesnt have a cell wall, and is an animal.

What does onion skin cells have that cheek cells don't?

A cell wall.

What cell structure gave the onion skin cells a more rigid shape than your cheek cells?

Plant cells (the onion skin cells) have a cell wall, while animal cells (cheek cells) only have the cell membrane.

What structure observe in onion epidermal cells are not present in human epithelial cells?

The structure of onion epidermal cells refers to the arrangement of tissues in this cells. You can find the structure of onion epidermal cells online at The structures observed in an onion epidermal cell, which are not present in the human epithelial cells are cell wall, central vacuole and vacuolar membrane.

What are the differences in onion cells cheek cells and amoeba cells?

Onion cells are plant cells, cheek cells are human cells and amoebas split? (i'm smart as well as beautiful, I also managed to keep my airhead image by putting a ? at the end, *giggles flirtily*)

Why is there no cell wall in a human cheek cell?

you go to PA don't you motherfricker

What is the difference between an onion cell and a cheek cell?

Cheek cells are only found in animals, whereas onion cells are found in platns, particularly onion cells. Cheek cells, being animal cells, do not contain a cell wall as onion cells do becasue cell walls are found only in plant cells for structure and rigidness. Onion cells, unlike most plant cells, do not have chlorplasts becasue it does not need sunlight for photosynthesis as other plants do. Being grown underground, it receives nutrients directly from the soil, so chloraplasts are not evident. This is also why onions are never green, since chloroplasts contain chlorpohyll, a pigment which gives plants its green color. Basically, cheek cells are found in animals, and onion cells are found in plants.

Why wasnt their a cell wall found in the cheek cells?

There was no cell wall in the cheek cells because animals and human cells do not contain a cell wall; they only have a cell membrane. Cell walls can be found in plant cells

Why do onion cells look so different than human cheek cells?

Onion cells are plant cells, so they have a cell wall and more angular shape (but no chloroplasts, like some plant cells, since they are not part of the photosynthesizing part of the onion plant) Human cheek cells are animal cells, so the biggest difference is that they have no cell wall and thus a rounder shape.

Why do onion and elodea cells have a more definite shape than the human cheek cells?

Elodea and onion cells have more consistent shapes than human epithelial cells because they have cell walls. The human epithelial cells do not have defined cell walls.

Can you clearly see as a structure the cell membrane in check cells and the cell wall inthe onion skin clls?

Yes. If viewed under even a simple light microscope, the cell structure of a cheek cell and the cell walls of an onion cell can clearly be seen.