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Q: The scale of measurement for the variable eye color is?
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What are the precautions taken while measuring the mass on electronic balance?

1) Place the scale in contact with object along its length. 2) If the zero mark is not clear use any other full mark of the scale, subtract reading of this mark from the reading at other end. The difference is the length of the object. 3) Your eye must be exactly in front of the point where the measurement is to be taken.

Making a rough measurement of an object by guessing based on experience?

Eye-Balling? Rough Guess? Educated guess?

What are accuracy and precision and what is the difference between accuracy and precision?

Imagine a dartboard. An accurate measurement would be analogous to hitting the bulls-eye. While a precise measurement is just the tight clustering of shots.

When is an experimental variable good?

A experimental variable is good when you are trying to test an experiment. A variable may be easily controlled, isolated, and measured. For instance a difficult experimental variable may be a persons gender. You can control if a man or woman participates in your experiment, you may even easily identify which gender they are. But it may be difficult to determine if the results are due to inherent genetic differences, or social influence on their lives. that isn't to say it can't be used, it just is more complicated than a "good" variable. A good variable could be something like Height, eye color, etc. that don't have that confounding aspect. In summary - The primary variable should be controllable, where you can directly manipulate it. The more controllable, the better. The variable you measure, and the one you control, should be isolated. You should be able to distinguish it from other complicating factors. The variable should be measurable. Some things are easy, such as height. Others not so easy, such as pain, or opinion. Developing tools to measure such variables are key.

The color part of the human eye is the?

The coloured (or pigmented) part of the eye is the iris.

Related questions

Is eye color a continuous variable?

Eye color is typically considered a categorical variable rather than a continuous variable. This is because eye color is defined by distinct categories such as blue, brown, green, etc., with no values in between.

What describes a variable?

A variable is a measurement that can take different "values". I put values in quotation marks because a variable can take qualitative values (for example, colour of eye) as well as quantitative (numerical) ones.

Is the color of the eye an example of qualitative data?

Yes, unless you use a three-variable colour triangle to give the eye colour a tri-variate measure.

How you use a spring scale?

To use a spring scale, hang the object you want to measure from the hook at the bottom of the scale. The spring inside the scale will stretch or compress depending on the weight of the object, and the scale will show the corresponding reading on its display. Make sure to read the scale at eye level for an accurate measurement.

What are parallax errors in a scale?

Parallax errors in a scale occur when the viewer's perspective causes the measurement to appear inaccurate. This can happen if the viewer's eye is not directly in line with the measurement marking, leading to erroneous readings. To avoid parallax errors, it is important to position the eye directly above the measurement scale when taking readings.

Why is the color of the eye different from the color around the eye?

The color of the eye is determined by the amount and type of pigments in the iris of the eye.

What is the reason for serial of light spots appearing on the measuring scale?

The reason for serial of light spots appearing on the measuring scale is due to an effect known as parallax error. Parallax error occurs when the measurer's eye is not directly over the scale, causing the light spots to appear in a series. This can be caused by the measurer moving their head or body while taking a measurement, or the measurer not being in the correct position to take an accurate measurement. The light spots will appear in a series because the measurer's eye is seeing the measurer's scale from different angles. As the measurer moves, the angles change and the light spots appear in a series. This can lead to inaccurate measurements, as the measurer may not be able to accurately read the scale due to the parallax error. To remedy this, the measurer should make sure they are in the correct position before taking a measurement, and should not move while taking a measurement.

What color are snooki's eye color?

Her eye color is Brown. You Welcome.

What is the color of the eye called?

Tha color of the eye

Is brown the dominant eye color?

No, brown is not the dominant eye color. The dominant eye color is actually brown, as it is the most common eye color worldwide.

What is Niall Horan eye color?

His eye's are blue.

How do you read the correct measurement from the measuring apparatus?

To read the correct measurement from a measuring apparatus, ensure that your eye is at the same level as the measuring line on the apparatus. Read the measurement at the bottom of the meniscus for liquids in a graduated cylinder, or at the exact point where the measurement aligns with the scale for other types of measuring tools like rulers or tape measures. Record the measurement with the appropriate units.