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Q: The social science that deals with the behavior and thinking of organisms?
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Social science that studies human society and social behavior?


The social science that differs from sociology primarily in that it focuses on individual behavior rather than on group behavior is?

Psychology is the social science that differs from sociology primarily in that it focuses on individual behavior rather than on group behavior.

Is social science a natural branch of science?

Ye, because it's the study of how living organisms interact with each other, and organisms are part of science.

What is a focus on how behavior and thinking vary across situations and cultures and its impact on behavior?


In economic what are the differences between social science and physical science?

Social science study human society and behavior Physical science study physical and non human things

Is economics a science an art or social science explain?

Economics is a social science because it is a field of study dealing with society and human behavior.

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Which social science helps historians learn about group behavior?


Distinguish in details between science and social science?

Science is the study of everything and anything real or un-real. Philosiphy is science, geology is science etc. Social science is the study of how an organism behaves when in contact with other organisms wether of the same species or different. Obviously Social science is a subset of science.

What makes social psychology unique in terms of a social science?

Social Psychology examines behavior from three important perspectives, How we perceive ourselves and others. How others influence our behavior, how do we perceive ourselves.

Discuss economics as a social science?

Economics is called as a social sciences because:It studies human behavior i.e. "human"It has certain laws that does work in most cases "science"