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Yes ... in a vacuum.

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Q: The speed of light indicates how fast light can travel in a vacuum?
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Related questions

Does light travel at its slowest speed when passing through a vacuum?

No, light is at its fastest in a vacuum.

Is speed of light in vacuum and medium same?

No, light in a medium will travel at a slower speed.

How fast different colors of light travel through a vacuum?

They all travel through a vacuum at the same speed - The speed of light.

X-rays travel in vacuum at a higher speed than the visible light?

No. Both travel at exactly the same speed. The speed of light.

What is speed does light travel?

Light travels at a speed of 186,000 miles per second, in a vacuum.

What type of light waves can travel through a vacuum?

Light spectrum is part of the electromagnetic radiation spectrum. Electromagnetic waves travel better and faster (light speed in vacuum) in vacuum.

What happens to speed of light when they travel through a vacuum?

In a vacuum, light always travels at the same speed, about 300 000 kilometers per second.

How fast do x rays travel through a vacuum?

X-rays are a kind of electromagnetic radiation - similar to light. They travel at the speed of light through a vacuum - about 300 million meters/second.X-rays are a kind of electromagnetic radiation - similar to light. They travel at the speed of light through a vacuum - about 300 million meters/second.X-rays are a kind of electromagnetic radiation - similar to light. They travel at the speed of light through a vacuum - about 300 million meters/second.X-rays are a kind of electromagnetic radiation - similar to light. They travel at the speed of light through a vacuum - about 300 million meters/second.

Which waves travel the fastest?

The light wave, which is electromagnetic energy, is the fastest wave. The speed of light, which is a physics constant, is the speed of light in a vacuum, and no object with mass can be accelerated to this speed.

Can anything travel faster than the speed of light through a vacuum?


Can light travel in a vacuum?

Yes. Light waves are electromagnetic waves, which do not require a medium to travel through.Mechanical waves (such as sound) do require a medium to travel through, so sound waves cannot travel through a vacuum.Space is a vacuum. The light from the stars (including our own sun) travel across a great distance in a vacuum to get to us.The accepted speed of light is its speed in a vacuum, which is 299,792,458 m/s.

What is it that all electromagnetic waves do the same?

All electromagnetic waves travel at the same speed in a vacuum -- the speed of light.