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Q: The sun loses energy by emittting what?
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What will happen on earth if the sun suddenly loses its energy?


Does the sun lose energy as it shines?

Yes. The sun loses energy as it shines. That is because it shines by turning hydrogen into helium.

Why do you say that solor energy is one way traffic?

Energy comes from Sun to Earth (and is also radiated into space in general). No significant amount of energy gets back into the Sun. That means that the Sun continuously loses energy.

Is sun is the supreme energy?

The sun is a collection of hydrogen and helium. Two hydrogen slam into each other, losing mass, and producing energy and helium. And so, as energy is produced from the sun, the sun loses mass-the sun will be lost after a time. The sun is merely an energy-producing object, not an energy and definitely not the supreme energy.

Does the sun gain or lose energy by emitting light?

the sun loses nergy by emitting light duhhhh breanna Katrice smith

Why would the sun explode?

As stars grow older, they lose energy. The sun is growing older and it is losing hydrogen and helium (the gases on the outer region). When the sun loses all of its energy it explodes. It then becomes a black dwarf.

What happens to the energy in ATP when it loses a phosphate?

it loses half its energy and becomes ADP.

A skydiver loses which type of potential energy as she falls?

She loses gravitational potential energy.

What loses energy?

Oxidation occurs when a molecule loses an electron or increases its oxidation state when a molecule is oxidized it loses energy.

When a substances cools it loses what energy to its surrounding?

When a substance cools, it loses thermal energy to its surrounding environment.

What nutrient are passed from living things to the environment?

Sun hit the earth, plants use sun's energy to create sugar from organic compounds. Plants lose heat to the environment. Primary consumers eat the plants, and get energy from them, also loses heat to the environment. Secondary consumers eat the primary consumers, gain energy but also loses heat to the environment. Plants and consumers died and decompose, their body become nutrients for plants and the cycle start all over.

A substance loses energy during what two processes?

A substance loses energy both when it freezes and when it heats up.