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Q: The type of light energy that is stored by certain particles for a period of time is called?
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What type of light energy that is stored by certain particles for a period of time is called what?

Phosphorescence is the type of light energy that is stored by certain particles for a period of time.

Do Photons with the highest energy have the longest period?

If you mean "period" as it's always used in connection with waves, then the answer is "No. Just the opposite." Photons with higher energy have shorter wavelength, higher frequency, and shorter period. To some readers, your use of the term "period" means the so-called 'half-life' of the photon, i.e. the length of time after which half the photons in a large group will spontaneously decay, either into other particles, or by losing half of their energy. That period of time is more than 6 billion years, and it does have some connection with the original energy of the photon. But again, photons with higher energy are more likely to decay and spontaneously form other particles, so in that sense, their 'period' is shorter, not longer.

What is measure of average speed of particles of a substance?

The average speed of particles in a substance is determined by calculating the total distance traveled by all particles over a certain time period, and then dividing by the number of particles. This provides a measure of how fast, on average, the particles are moving within the substance.

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Each row of elements on the periodic table is called a?

Each row of elements on the periodic table is called a period. There are 7 periods in the periodic table, with each period representing the energy levels or shells of an atom's electrons.

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