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Q: Tiny rods in meshworks or bundles that help cell to shorten?
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What does the inside of a stem cell look like?

It looks like many tiny parts of a normal cell. it has all the normal parts of a cell such as a nucleus, vascule, and cell membrane. it also has cytoplasm.

Where is a hair cell found?

growing hair

What is the difference between closed cell foam insulation and open cell foam insulation?

Closed-cell foam insulation differs from open cell foam insulation in the fact that closed-cell foam insulation has tiny foams cells that are closed and packed together. They are filled with gas that helps the foam rise. Open cell foam does not have this characteristic.

A tiny nonliving particle that enters and the reproduces inside a living cell?

at first i was crying but then it just hit me it was a stupied virus

Explain how a cell's DNA can limit the cell's size?

The size depends on the amount of DNA stored in the cell. :)well, I believe it's because if a cell is too big, it has to feed more. As the surface area increases, so does the volume, remember. So think of a balloon. The surface area is very tiny compared to the volume, correct? So, the cell is so tiny because if it were even , say, the size of a quarter, it would have to feed a WHOLE lot to keep from starvation.... I'm pretty sure that's it. So you see, the DNA keeps the cell from starvation.There has to be enough DNA to code for metabolism so the cell can grow.If a cell had unlimited space, it could not be able to perform functions needed to live. The cell's DNA is limited depending on how fast the volume of the cell decreases/ surface area decreases.jhdhjdhdkkdkdkh

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What is the difference between microtubules and actin filaments?

The cytoskeleton itself is made up of microtubules, the only difference being size and function. Microtubule is solely support of the physical arrangement of the cytoskeleton, and the cytoskeleton protects the site from outside invaders or forces.

What is the function of striated muscle cell?

To contract and shorten.

What is the tiny organ of the cell called?

A tiny organ in a cell is called an organelle.

What ist the process called that causes the cell to contract or shorten?

This process is called contraction. Muscles shorten or contract to produce movement.

What part of a hair cell are tethered together by protein fibers?

hair bundles

Chromosomal structures that shorten with each cell division are called?


What are tiny cell sized organs?

Organelles are tiny cell sized organs. The substance that runs through these tiny cell sized organs are commonly called sub-units.

What tissues cells shorten and exert force?

The cell of the muscle tissue shorten to exert force. These tissues will support movement of the various muscles in the by exerting force.

What tiny structure within the cell that have specific jobs to do within the cell?

These tiny structures are called organelles.

Tiny organs of the cell are called?

organelles are the answer

What are tiny cell structures that carry out specific functions on the cell?

They are organelles;

Are microbes tiny living things?

yes, they are tiny living things even live on you. but the more tiny is our cell. if you tier a paper as small as you can that much will be a cell, i i think no one can make it as small as a cell or a microbes