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The invention of the printing press

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Q: What advances were made in the math and science during the renaissance?
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What advances were made in math science and writing during the Renaissance?

The invention of the printing press

What period of time beginning in the 1300s during which advances in art science history and literature were made is know the?


Were major advances made in science during romantic period?


Major advances were made in science during the Romantic period.?


What does rennaisance mean?

Renaissance literally translates to rebirth, and it generally refers to the period in Europe that began in the 1400s. Great cultural advances (in art, literature, science, medicine, etc.) were made after the long period of stagnation known as the Dark Ages. It was a rebirth of a culture that had been dying, and many advances occurred during that period.

Which contributed to the advances in learning that occurred during the Renaissance a writing in the common language of a people or b inventing the printing press?

Both writing in the common language of the people and inventing the printing press contributed to the advances in learning during the Renaissance. Writing in the common language made knowledge more accessible to a wider audience, while the printing press enabled the mass production of books, leading to increased dissemination of ideas and information.

What advances in medicine were made during the renaissance reformation?

During the medical renaissance, there were many advancements in medical technology and knowledge. There were surgical inventions - using silk thread for stitches, artificial limbs, knowledge of dissections, and also knowledge of the heart and blood.

Which was not a discovery made during the Hellenistic age?

The advances made during the Hellenistic periodÊin the fields of science, medicine, astronomy and engineering layed the foundation for all modern advances and technologies, so while there are many discoveries made since then, most have roots in the Hellenistic Age.

Why did the medical renaissance happen when it did?

This movement was made possible by the Reformation of the Church, a decline in Conservatism, the work of individuals such as Andreas Vesalius and William Harvey and technological advances. All of these took place during the Renaissance period.[2]

Is it true that major advances were made in science during romantic period?

For you apex cheaters like me it is ( True ) : ) :D : b

What advances in art were made during the middle kingdom?

the advances were the toothbrush and the water bottlr

What art advances were made during the middle Kingdom?

the advances were the toothbrush and the water bottlr