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1. sweat 1. sweat 1. sweat

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Q: What are 5 substances that have urea?
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Name several substances eliminated or regulated by the kidney?

waste urea hydrogen

What two substances does urea make up?

Urine and Sweat

What is Urea in the blood?

Urea is one of the substances in urine, and urine is in your blood stream until the kidney extract the urine from your blood.

What organ is responsible for the production of the substances in the urea?

I think urea, rather than being a mix of substances urea is one substance. That being said, it is removed from the blood not created.That process of filtration occurs in the kidneys and liver (I don't know the liver's job, you'll have to look into that one

Plasma is a part of blood that carries digested food substances and waste products?

yes it carries the waste substances and the food substances the waste substance that it carries is urea

What substances is normally present in urine?


What are the substances that enter the capillary from surrounding cells?

They substances transported by blood.Gases,Nutrients,Water,Hormones,Urea,Ammonia,Other waste materials etc.

A 5 percent urea solution is hypotonic to a 10 percent urea solution?


What substances are removed from blood during dialysis?

waste materials that have toremoved by kidneys.

What waste substances are excreted in your skin?

sweat ,excess water, urea, carbon dioxide and ammonia are excreted in skin.

Can milk made with urea?

Absolutely not!! Milk and urea are NOT the same thing, they are two VERY DIFFERENT things. Milk comes from the udder of the cow, and urea comes from the kidneys that filter blood of toxic substances. If a calf drank his mother's urine, he would be a VERY sick calf.

What substances in the blood pass through the partially permeable membrane into the kidneys?

As the dialysis fluid has no urea in it, there is a large concentration gradient - meaning that urea moves across the partially permeable membrane, from the blood to the dialysis fluid, by diffusion. This is very important as it is essential that urea is removed from the patients' blood.