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Minerals and rocks that contain a molecule that is made of both oxygen and carbon are carbonates. Examples of carbonates include doverite, marble, and limestone.

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Q: What are examples of carbonation?
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Whch soda has most carbonation?

Almost all types of sodas gotta similar level of carbonation, probably Coke and Spride are the best examples, unless if it is a diet soda like diet coke.

What is a sentence with carbonation?

I'm looking for a beverage without carbonation.

Is carbonation mechanical or chemical?

Carbonation is Chemical Weathering :)

Who has more carbonation Pepsi or Coca Cola?

They both have the same amount of carbonation and it doesn't matter what type it is.

Does a root beer float have carbonation?

yes. every soda has carbonation.

What effect does carbonation have on muscles?

Carbonation is not known to have any effect on muscles. However, there is some research that indicates that carbonation, over time, may weaken bone structure.

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Can you give me an example of carbonation?

Sodar water is an example of carbonation, when water is saturation with carbon dioxide.

Why does soda need carbonation?

Because without the carbonation it would just be coolaid or juice. The carbonation/bubbles add interest and mouth feel which is important to some drinks.

How does fizz get in soda?

from the carbonation

Does soda have carbonation?


Why are bubbles in my drink?

It is carbonation.