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Calorimeters need to be well insulated as calorimetry relies on the fact that temperature change only occurs within the solution and that no heat escapes to the surroundings. Thes best are which most insulated or is made of a good insulator. Polystyrene coffee cups makes excellent calorimeters because their ability to block the passage of heat.

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Q: What are important qualities of a calorimeter?
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Why is it important to determine the q calorimeter before determining the q metal?

Determining the q calorimeter (heat capacity of the calorimeter) is important because it allows for accurate calculations of the heat gained or lost by the calorimeter during an experiment. This value is then used to correct the heat measurements for the system (q metal) being studied, ensuring the heat transfer calculations are precise. Without accounting for the q calorimeter, the heat measurements for the system may be inaccurate.

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Where can you buy a calorimeter?

You can buy a calorimeter from scientific suppliers, lab equipment retailers, or online marketplaces that specialize in laboratory equipment. It is important to ensure that the calorimeter meets your specific needs and requirements for your experiments.

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Why 1000c thermometer is used in bomb calorimeter why not 100c?

bcoz of space in the calorimeter....

How do you use a calorimeter?

To use a calorimeter, first measure the initial temperature of the water in the calorimeter. Then, add the substance you want to study to the water and measure the final temperature once thermal equilibrium is reached. Finally, calculate the heat exchange using the formula q = mcΔT, where q is the heat exchange, m is the mass of the substance, c is the specific heat capacity of the substance, and ΔT is the change in temperature.

How should a thermometers be positioned in the calorimeter lid?

The thermometer should be positioned in the center of the calorimeter lid, making sure it is not touching the sides or bottom of the calorimeter. This ensures an accurate measurement of the temperature changes happening inside the calorimeter during an experiment.

In calculating the heat given off by a reaction in a calorimeter you must account for heat absorbed by?

In calculating the heat given off by a reaction in a calorimeter, you must account for heat absorbed by the surroundings, including the calorimeter itself, any water or solution in the calorimeter, and the air around the calorimeter that may be affected by the reaction. This ensures an accurate measurement of the heat released or absorbed by the reaction itself.

What are the qualities of an opportunity and why is each quality important?

The qualities of an opportunity is very important because they help maintain and develop the positive minds. A business mind is one of the qualities of an opportunity.

Difference between isothermal and isoperibol calorimeter?

In an isothermal calorimeter, the temperature inside the calorimeter remains constant during the measurement, preventing any heat exchange with the surroundings. In an isoperibol calorimeter, the calorimeter is well-insulated and allows heat exchange with the surroundings, but the heat loss or gain is accurately measured and compensated for.

Where can you get a calorimeter?

Fisher Scientific has them.

What would cause the calorimeter efficiency to be less than 100 percent?

why is the efficiency of a calorimeter less than 100%