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Q: What are scientists are trying to determine about any observation he or she might make?
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What scientists do that basis for their investigation?

to use patterns in observation to say what might happen next

Why do scientist repeat the examples of other scientist?

There are various reasons. Here are some:They might be skeptical of the reliability or truth of what other scientists have claimed.They might be trying to understand the earlier results better.They might be hoping to extend the other scientist's results.They might be trying to determine whether there are limits to the applicability of the other scientist's results.

What scientists do that's is basis for their investigations?


Why might scientists develop different hypotheses based on the same observation?

Because each scientist may have a different viewpoint and see things differently.

How might scientists determine what kinds of animals early people ate?

They look for the animal bones which are found in proximity to their settlements.

Why do scientist repeat the example of other scientist?

There are various reasons. Here are some:They might be skeptical of the reliability or truth of what other scientists have claimed.They might be trying to understand the earlier results better.They might be hoping to extend the other scientist's results.They might be trying to determine whether there are limits to the applicability of the other scientist's results.

Is the world wenna end in 2012?

maybe scientists are trying to figure that out but so far nobody is sure but it might but hopfully not

What is the definition of qualitative knowledge?

There are basically two kinds of observations that scientists make, which are described as qualitative and quantitative. A qualitative observation gives you a general description. For example, a particular substance might be observed to be a liquid, blue in color, in a bottle. Quantitative observation involves measurement. For the same substance you might discover that it weighs 1.098 kg, that it has a temperature of 23o C, and by pouring it into a graduated cylinder, you could determine that it has a volume of 1.3 liters, etc. Qualitative observations don't involve numbers, and quantitative observations do.

Why do scientists generates opinions based on evidence?

the role of the opinion might be the "hypothesis" of the observation or data it can also be the thought of the scientist as said the opinion. HAVE FUN IN SCIENCE CLASS!!!

Why do scientists keep track of populations?

By analyzing all this data, scientists can learn new ways to help control animal populations, determine what impact development might have on an animal population, and determine if there are enough individuals of a particular species in an area to allow for reproduction.

How might primary be obtained?

direct observation

Are scientists trying to prove or disprove religion?

Well, some scientists might think that science is better then religion, and go against it, some might think its bad, but just ignore doing anything, some might not care if its bad or not, and some might think its better then science. (Yeah maybe they just took the stupid job out of force!) Well that's my answer.