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Creep occurs in elastic materials as plastic deformation after long term action of a stress. Evidence of creep is change in the physical dimensions of an object. Some examples of creep are elongation of bolt holes and the gradual change of a wedding ring from a circle to an oval that more closely matches a person's finger shape.

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11y ago
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13y ago

the answer to it is very simple. it can be checked in the following ways:

1. change of color

2. release of gas

3. formation of precipitate

4. change of state

etc. hope this will help.......

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14y ago

David Streck.......David creeps around your house while no one is around.........pretty creepy.......

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What is the meaning of crept?

of Creep, of Creep, imp. & p. p. of Creep.

Is a creep?

Yes, creep is a noun, as in "he was a creep". It can also be a verb, as in "he crept along".

Why is creep a good name for the type of mass movement?

Cause a Creep creep's up on someone slowly and a Creep is very slow

Is creep a noun?

Yes, creep is a noun, as in "he was a creep". It can also be a verb, as in "he crept along".

What is the slowest type of mass wasting?

Soil creep is the slowest form of mass wasting.

How do the creep monitors work?

Whenever a creep comes around, the Creep Monitor starts to blink and beep. The frequency increases as the creep gets closer.

Were can creep occur?

Creep occurs on steep mountains.

Past tense of creep?

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What is some is TLC songs?

no scrub,creep,waterfall,and red light special