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It's either obey the law of conservation of mass, causing new matter to be created or it is an execption to the law of conservation of mass.

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13y ago

Physically it can melt and chemically sugar can combine with the oxygen in the air and burn.

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Q: What are some physical and chemical changes sugar can undergo?
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Is sugar that changes into alcohol a chemical or physical property?

It is a chemical change

Is heating sugar physical or chemical change?

It is a physical change and only becomes a chemical change if the sugar is burnt.

Is cooking caramelized sugar a physical or chemical change?

Yes, as well as a chemical change. It clearly changes (white, granulated sugar and liquid to burned brown sugar and liquid to a sticky [and delicious] substance). It changes from a solution to a syrup!

Does sugar crystal undergo a physical change when ground?

Yes, grinding is a physical change because the chemical composition of the substance does not change.

Is C6H12O6 plus 6O2 a physical or chemical change?

Thats sugar+oxygen Arent all chemical changes physical?

Is butter and sugar being made into toffee a physical change?

It is actually a chemical change. The butter, sugar, water and cream are cooked, resulting in a chemical change. Toffee cannot be "uncooked" back into butter and sugar. Physical changes can be undone. Chemical changes, no.

Is sugar burning in a pan chemical or physical change?

Burning Sugar is a chemical change. Burning or oxidization is always a chemical change. The process takes in Oxygen and Sugar and outputs different compounds including water, carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide, and other carbon residue. Explanation 2: Chemical changes are changes in what things are made out of. Physical changes are like ice melting ice and liquid water are still water one is a solid but the other is liquid. steam is a gas but is still water. these changes do not change what water is.

Is plants using carbon dioxide and water to form oxygen and sugar a chemical or physical change?

Physical changes

What happens to sugar in a cup of tea scientificly?

the sugar does not undergo a chemical change it simply dissolves into the water. if you were to then boil the water till it dried you would get your powdered sugar back (although it would probaly be brown because of the pressence of the tea) well to be honest with you it undergoeas a chemical and a physical change because it changes its look (Physical) and it turns to nothing (Chemical)

Is dissolving sugar in water a physical changes?

Yes, dissolving sugar in water is a physical change. If you let the water evaporate, you the sugar will be left behind. Evaporation is a physical process, not chemical.-No, It is a Chemical change.

Is powdering of sugar a physical change?

Yes, Powdering of sugar is a physical change. Grinding of sugar and it becomes a powder form hence powdering of sugar is a chemical property because it cannot be converted back into crystal form. This physical changes that are irreversible.

Is sugar a physical property or chemical?

Sugar is a physical property.