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Q: What are the first leaves that come out of the ground on a soybean plant?
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What is two jobs of roots?

The roots take in water and minerals to nourish the plant, and they also anchor the plant in the ground.

Can chrysanthemums survive winter?

Yes. The leaves of the plant will die back and become brown after a few hard frosts. After the foliage of the plant has died back, you will need to cut it back. Leaving a little bit of the stems will ensure that next year you have a full plant as the new stems will grow from these trimmed stems. After this it is best to provide a heavy layer of mulch over the plant after the ground has frozen. The mulch for winterizing mums can be straw or leaves. Interestingly, the idea is to help prevent the ground from thawing during the winter during warm spells. When the ground freezes and thaws and freezes again, this causes more damage to the plant than if it simply stays frozen for the whole winter season.Yes. You must mulch the plants after the frost so it will not thaw and refreeze.

What are the atoms in leaves?

Varies from plant to plant depending on what compounds are in their leaves. Most likely Oxygen, Carbon, Nitrogen, and Hydrogen.

What is the function of a radicle?

It's the embryonic root inside the seed. It's the first thing to emerge out of a seed and down into the ground to allow the seed to suck up water and send out its leaves so that it can start photosynthesizing.

What vascular tissue carries food from the leaves to the roots?

The phloem carries the food down from the leaves. Not to be confused with xylem, which carries water up to the leaves.

Related questions

How do you start a pineapple plant?

plant one, with the leaves out of the ground

Are cotyledons a plant's first leaves?

yes they are a plant first leaves

What develops first on a plant?

The roots typically develop first on a plant, as they are responsible for absorbing nutrients and water from the soil. This is followed by the shoot, which includes the stem and leaves that grow above the ground.

Where is Asia's largest soybean plant?

ujjain soya plant

What is the most powerful plant in plant vs zombies?

Doom shroom. cuase it leaves a crater in the ground.

What are The first two leaves on a bean plant are called?

The first two leaves on a bean plant are called cotyledon leaves. These leaves are part of the seed embryo and are different in shape and function compared to the plant's true leaves which will develop later.

Does a stem hold the plant in the ground?

Yes, a stem supports the plant and anchors it in the ground. It also allows for the transport of water and nutrients between the roots and leaves.

What part of the plant is asparagas?

The parts of the asparagus plant that you eat are the young shoots (stems and vestigial leaves) that first poke out of the ground in spring. These are cut off close to the root with a sharp curved knife.

Why do dandelions spread their leaves flat against the ground?

Dandelion leaves will respond to the surrounding vegetation. If the plant is on a lawn it will grow close to the ground, if it is in longer grass it will reach for the sun.

Is soybean c4 plant?

No, it performs C3 photosynthesis

Which genus does soybean belong in?

They belong to the plant kingdom.

What plant grows low to the ground and has soft fuzzy leaves?

Lamb's ear (Stachys byzantina) is a plant that fits your description. It has low-growing, fuzzy leaves that resemble the soft texture of lamb's ear. It is often used as a ground cover in gardens.