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Pros - People are more aware of the truth and there is less room for stupid theories.

Cons - The fundamentalist Catholics and Christians etc, will hate you for going against their religion.

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There are many aspects of evolution such as the process of radioactive carbon dating and the many assumptions that are made from the discovery of a single part of a fossilised organism that involve huge amounts of guess work. there is almost no proof suggesting that organisms can evolve into entirely new ones, such as an ape becoming a human. Darwin's theory of how variation from beneficial mutation within a species can result in the change of characteristics within that species does in fact appear to be true, but does not in any way explain the origin of life on earth nor the diversity of species. Creation or Intelligent Design which is the other strongest explanation does account for the origin of life, and explains how it is possible that all life on earth doesn't have a common origin. Both views should be taught as together they make a very strong explanation.

I believe that it should be taught because it is the best theory out there. I also believe that religion and religious teachings should not be taught in school.

Evolution should be taught in schools, but ONLY if the alternative of SPECIAL CREATION is taught alongside it so that the students can do a comparison for themselves and make up their own mind: as it is, they can spend 16 years going all through primary and secondary school and university where they are only taught the theory of evolution as a fact, and when they leave and enter the big, wide world they get a great shock and say "At the very least why wasn't I told?".

Evolution IS taught in most schools, and it is presented because it is scientifically correct. There is no reason NOT to teach it. If the school is a private one, it should still be taught because evolution has far and away the greatest and strongest supporting body of facts that uphold it. As regards Intelligent Design, It's pseudo-scientific nonsense. More importantly, it cannot be taught in public school science classes as it is NOT science. It is religious creationism repackaged, as US Federal courts have consistently ruled, and is barred from public school classrooms by the US Constitution.

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The Scopes Monkey Trial in 1925, also known as the State of Tennessee v. John Thomas Scopes, involved the teaching of evolution in schools. John Scopes, a high school teacher, was charged with violating a state law that prohibited teaching evolution in public schools. The trial gained national attention as it pitted creationism against the theory of evolution.

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John Scopes was a school teacher in Tennessee that illegally taught the theory of evolution in a public school. He was arrested, tried and convicted.

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No, public schools should not teach creationism alongside evolution in science classes because creationism is not based on scientific evidence and is considered a religious belief. Science classes should focus on teaching scientifically supported theories and concepts. Students can explore creationism in a religious studies class or outside of the science curriculum.

What is the butler act?

march 22, 1995 in tenneseee. The act prohibited the teaching of the Evolution Theory in all the Universities, and all other public schools of Tennessee, which were funded by the state. introduced Jan 21, 1925 passed in the house Jan. 28, 1925 passed in Senate Mar. 13, 1925 became a law Mar. 21, 1925 repealed Sep.1, 1967

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Tennessee passed the Butler Act in 1925, which prohibited the teaching of any theory that denied the biblical account of creation, including evolution. This led to the famous Scopes Monkey Trial, where a high school teacher was prosecuted for teaching evolution.