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The process of "glycogenolysis" is the splitting of glycogen in the liver, which in turn produces glucose. Glucagon can be administered in emergency diabetic situations where sugar can't be taken orally.

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9y ago

The process of glycogen metabolism is complex. Glycogen Phosphorylase, Glycogen Debranching Enzyme, and Phosphoglucomutase are the enzymes necessary to break glycogen down to glucose.

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Q: What are the three enzymes involved in the conversion of glycogen to glucose?
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What is produced in the hydrolysis of glycogen?

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Glucogenisis is the breakdown of glycogen in the liver to form glucose. The opposite of this process is call Glycogenisis, this is the conversion of glucose into glycogen.

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* Glycogenesis - the conversion of excess glucose into glycogen as a cellular storage mechanism; this prevents excessive osmotic pressure buildup inside the cell * Glycogenolysis - the breakdown of glycogen into glucose, which provides a glucose supply for glucose-dependent tissues. * Gluconeogenesis - de novosynthesis of glucose molecules from simple organic compounds. an example in humans is the conversion of a few amino acids in cellular protein to glucose.

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Why is glycogen branched?

Glycogen is branched to allow more efficient energy storage and to provide multiple attachment points for enzymes that add to its glucose monomers.

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i think glucose convert into glycogen by the help of glycogen