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13y ago

Natural selection would be the sick or weak of the herd being picked off by predators, which would leave the most fit specimens to breed.

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Q: What best explains a natural selection in a antelope population?
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What concept of evolution explains why organisms are constructed to meet the demands of their environment?

Natural selection explains adaptive change in the immediate environment.

What are the two theories for which Charles Darwin is known A.Evolution and natural selection B.Psychoanalysis and the unconscious C.Evolution and socialism D.Natural selection and psychoanalysis?

A. Evolution and natural selection. Charles Darwin is primarily known for his theories on evolution, which explains how species change over time, and natural selection, which is the process by which advantageous traits become more common in a population.

When lions prey on a herd of antelope some antelope are killed and some escape which part of Darwins concept of natural selection might be used to describe this situation?

Survival of the fittest would be used to describe this situation.

What is a process that explains how evolution occurs?

One process that explains how evolution occurs is natural selection. This process involves certain traits becoming more common in a population over time because they provide a reproductive advantage, leading to gradual changes in the population's characteristics. Additionally, genetic mutations also play a role in evolution by introducing new variations that can be subjected to natural selection.

Natural selection requires that individuals in a population are?

Natural selection requires that individuals in a population are

Is it possible for a population to undergo natural selection?

No, there is no genetic variation upon which natural selection can operate.

Which is more likely to be true natural selection or evolution?

Evolution, of course. Evolution can happen without natural selection in some cases; drift, flow. Generally though, natural selection causes evolution and then, by definition, would come first.

Why would natural selection not occur in this poplutation?

What population? Perhaps you mean if there were no variation for natural selection to select from.

Is Natural selection a source of genetic variation in a population?

No, natural selection works on that genetic variation presented to it.

Is evolution a natural selection?

Natural selection explains the process of evolution: evolution by natural selection. It basically means that species with the highest fitness (survival rate) will live, and be selected by nature for the characteristics they possess that make them more apt to survive. Because of natural selection, evolution occurs.

Which type of natural selection favors average individual in a population?

It is stabilizing selection

What requires natural selection to occur in a population?

Natural selection requires variation in traits within a population, heritability of those traits, and differential reproductive success based on those traits. Without these components, natural selection cannot act on a population.