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The Chlorophyll in plant cells. They use the sunlight to create glucose, basically food for the plant. This process is called photosynthesis

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The chlorophyll present in the leaves traps sunlight and helps in the production of food for the cell.

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Q: What captures energy from sunlight and use it to produce food for the cell?
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What organelle captures energy from sunlight and uses to produce food food for the cell?

The organelle that captures energy from sunlight and uses it to produce food for the cell is called a chloroplast.

What organelle captures energy from sunlight and use it to produce food for the cell?

The organelle that captures energy from sunlight and uses it to produce food for the cell is called a chloroplast.

Which cell is the cell captures the energy of sunlight and use it to make food is called?

Chlorenchymatous cell

What does chloroplast do in a plant cell do?

It captures the energy from sunlight as chemical energy.

What part of the cell captures energy from sunlight and uses it to produce food for the cell?

The chlorophyll in the chloroplasts of PLANT cells does this.

What captures sunlight and stores it in molecules for the plant cell?

The chloroplast absorbs solar energy and stores the light as molecules for the plant cell.

What cell of plants that captures energy from the sunlight and uses it to produce food?

The question is a bit vague. Id guess any cell with chloroplasts uses sunlight to make food. Generally speaking, any part of the plant that is green, and above ground.

What organelle uses energy from the sun to produce food?

An organelle is a tiny cell structure that carries out a specific function within a cell. The organelle that needs direct sunlight to function is a chloroplast. The chloroplast captures energy from the sunlight and uses it to produce food for the cell.

The process by which a cell captures the energy in sunlight and uses it to make food is called?

This process is known as photosynthesis.

What cell organelles capture and release of energy?

In plants and a few other organisms that can do photosynthesis, the organelle that uses the energy from sunlight to form chemical bonds (namely,glucose) and thus "capture" energy is the chloroplast. The energy in the bonds of these compounds (glucose) can later be released during the process of cellular respiration. The organelle associated with cellular respiration is the mitochondria.

What are chloroplasts used for in a plant cell?

They capture the sunlight to produce energy for the plant.

What part of the organelle captures energy from sunlight and uses it to produce food for the cell?

mitochondria Its the chloroplast, all the mitochondria does is produce the cell's energy