

Best Answer

Cold is relative.

heat is relative.

what is the temperature you are looking for?

72 degrees can be considered hot or cold.

consumption for water, i would say under 45 degrees Fahrenheit, would be cold.

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Q: What degree is water considered cold?
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What temperature is cold water?

There are a great number of temperatures that could be considered to be cold for water. Water under 70 degrees Fahrenheit is considered cold.

If you heat the water at 7 degree Celsius when you insert your finger into the water will the water be hot or cold?


Is 5 degrees celsius hot or cold?

fairly cold 0 degree Celsius = 32 degree Fahrenheit = freezing point for water 5 degree Celsius = 41 degree Fahrenheit

What is the amount of 80 degree water needed in a 20 ltr tank with cold water to achieve 49 degree water?

That question can be answered exactly but the temperature of the cold water must be known because it makes a difference.

What is 82 degree celsius is it hot or cold?

Hot, water on 100 degree Celsius is boiling

Is 25 degree Celsius considered cool?

calulate the amount of heat released when 25 gram of water at 25 degrees Celsius cools to 0.0 degrees celsius

How cold is-121C?

k-k-k-k-COLD!! -121 degree Celsius = -185.8 degree Fahrenheit Freezing temp of water is 0C or 32F

Is it safe to put ice or cold water on a third degree burn?

No. Use warm water. I can't remember what cold water or ice does but it makes it worse somehow.

What is cold water considered?

Cold is relative. heat is relative. what is the temperature you are looking for? 72 degrees can be considered hot or cold. consumption for water, i would say under 45 degrees Fahrenheit, would be cold. So many answers.

Why is water considered polar?

because when winter comes around then the water gets cold and frozen and polar means very cold..

What is the primary danger during the first 3-5 mins immersed in cold water?

How cold? You can get hypothermia in 50-80 degree water. Are you asking about 32 degree water? Shock in five minutes or so. Your expected life expectancy is about 15 minutes. If its really cold you'll be dead in 3-5 minutes.

Which method is better for keeping drinks cold in a picnic cooler water at 0 degree celsius or ice at 0 degree celsius why?