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Three principal items

#1 The Laws of Universal Dynamics ( Casually the Laws of Gravity /motion)

He wrote a treatise named the #Principia'.

#2 Splitting white light into the colours of the rainbow. Also written in a treatise named 'Optics'.

#3 Invented Calculus before Liebniz. However, Lienbiz published before Newton. Calculus details the 'rate of change'.

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It's foundations. Gravity, calculus, metal refining, trajectory calculations, optics.
Probably more than anyone else. Primarily his 3 laws, oh and gravity.

1. An object in motion stays in motion, an object at rest stays at rest.

2. Force = Mass * Acceleration

3. For each action there is an equal and opposite reaction.

Gravity: kinda the coolest thing ever.

These describe nearly all of what most people know of physics. Every bit of motion is described by his contributions. Its even called basic Newtonian motion.

Simply put: He's kind of a big deal.
Among other things, Newton:

  • Derived the universal law of gravitation.
  • Did important contributions to calculus.
  • Systematized what is today know as the "Laws of Newton". Some of those laws were known before his time, though.

He discovered gravity and the three laws of motion, he contributed to physics quite a lot!

Isaac newton discover Newton's three laws of motion. They form the basics of physics. The three laws include the First, Second, and Third law of motion. They basically state simple physics that are obvious to all of us.
created Netowns (the unit we measure force in) :)

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