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A chemical formula tells you the number of each type of atom in the molecule or structure.

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Q: What do chemical formulas tell you the number of?
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Related questions

Chemical formulas represent the number and element of each type of atom in?

Chemical formulas represent the number and element of each type of atom in a molecule.

What are all chemical formulas called?

All chemical formulas are called chemical notations. They represent the elements and the number of atoms of each element present in a compound.

What formulas arrow and plus signs in a chemical equation tell you?

Chemicals equations use chemical formulas and other symbols instead of words to summarize a reaction.

What number is never written in the formulas for chemical compounds?

The number ONE is never written in the formula for a chemical coumpound because it will be assumed. ONE is the number!

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What general terms does a chemical equation indicate?

Chemical formulas of reactants and products; number of molecules involved in the reaction.

What does subscript indicate in chemical formulas?

The number of atoms of the same element in the molecule

What does a formula tell you?

Chemical formulas are used to represent chemical compounds. It shows the component elements of the compound. Also it shows the ratios of the component elements.

What in chemical formulas tells the number of atom in elements?

indicate the number of atoms or ions in a single unit

Why is it impossible to have a chemical formula with a fraction in it?

Because the number of atoms in a chemical compound is an integer, it is not fractional; but sometimes fractional numbers are also used in chemical formulas.

Can an element be represented as a chemical formula?

No, elements are the makeups of chemical formulas. No, elements are the makeups of chemical formulas.

H2O CO2 and C12H22O11 are all examples of chemical .?

Chemical Formulas