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Genes are sections of DNA which contain the code to make different proteins. DNA is made of long chains of 4 different chemical bases, A,C,G and T. The combination of these bases provides the information on the sequence of amino acids that make a particular protein.

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Genes contain the instructions to create proteins.

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Q: What do proteins have to do with genes?
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What do genes contain instructions for?

Genes contain instructions for building proteins.

What type of molecule dose genes they code for?

Genes code for proteins

How do our genes control our proteins?

Genes contain our DNA. Proteins are synthesized according to data on DNA

Does proteins determine Genes?

No they are not. Proteins are synthesized as per the information present in the DNA or genes. So Genes are something which determine the phenotype or a character of an organism by making RNA and proteins.

What are some examples of proteins produced by genes?

If you're synthesizing the proteins yourself (meaning you didn't ingest them), then all proteins are produced by genes.

What kind of factors are caused by genes?

Genes produce proteins and what we are is determined by genes.

What are the genes responsible for the characteristics?

Genes are transcribed to make Proteins

Can genes carry hereditary instructions?

Genes carry the instructions to make proteins, i think....

How genes produce traits in an organism?

Genes produce traits by describing and reproducing the essential proteins essential for life. +genes are codes for proteins that determine traits.

What is a gene production?

Genes code for proteins, but they do not produce proteins.

How do genes affect cells?

Genes tell cells how to make proteins.

What molecule are genes responsible for making?

Genes are the blueprints for making proteins.