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Curved in the inner surface on both sides.

For example : a red blood cell, crescent moon.

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Q: What does a biconcave shape look like?
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What is the shape name of red blood cells?

biconcave (A.N)

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Why RBC is biconcave shaped?

Pretty sure it's to increase the surface area

Are blood cells biconcave shaper?

white blood cells have irregular shape ,they can take any shape and easily removed

What shape best describes a red blood cell?

Normal blood red cells are biconcave disks, approx. oval.

What are the advantages of biconcave shape of rbc?

It will be able to store more haemoglobin.

What is the shape of the chief cells of human red blood cells?

The shape of the human red blood cells is that it is biconcave in shape.

What appear as biconcave disks with edges?

Red blood cells have a circular biconcave shape to increase surface area to volume ratio for faster absorption of oxygen in the bloodstream.

What is the shape of the chief cells of frogs red blood cells?

The shape of the chief cells of the frogs red blood cells is that they are biconcave in shape.

How do red blood cells get the biconcave shape?

They have no nucleus, so they sink in in the area where the nucleus should be. Oxygen binds to the surface of the cell, so the increased amount of surface area due to the biconcave shape gives it more space to carry oxygen.

What is the small size and biconcave shape of this cell gives it flexibility and allows its easy passage through small channels?

This cell is a red blood cell. The unique biconcave shape allows it to squeeze through tiny capillaries at the extremities of the body.

What are the cell structures of a red blood cell?

It is biconcave in shape , mature red blood cell do not have nucleus,