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Light has little or no effect on water and carbon dioxide, unless a catalyst such as chlorophyll is present. In that case, the light energy is absorbed and the water and carbon dioxide are converted to glucose and water. This is photosynthesis.

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Q: What does light energy do to water and carbon dioxide?
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What are the Molecules of photosynthesis?

Carbon dioxide,water and light energy

What is a generalized equation for photosynthesis?

The general equation of photosynthesis is carbon dioxide + water ---light energy ---> oxygen + glucose This can also be written as carbon dioxide + water (+ light energy) ---> oxygen + glucose

The reactants of photosynthesis include?

glucose, solar energy, carbon dioxide, water, oxygen & chlorophyll

What are two important materials that are needed for photosynthesis?

Technically, they need three - H2O (water), CO2 (Carbon Dioxide), and Light Energy. However, Water and Carbon Dioxide are the only materials.

What Three things are necessary for photosynthesis to happen?

Light or energy from the sun, Carbon dioxide (CO2) and water (H2O)

What do chloroplasts help?

A. It convert light into carbon dioxide B. It absorbs carbon dioxide C. It absorbs light energy D. It absorbs water

What is 4 things that plants need for photosynthesis?

Light, Carbon Dioxide, Water, and Chlorophyll

Can a plant survive if water or carbon dioxide or light energy we're missing?

No because without water it who be de-hydrated, and if it had no Light energy, then there would be no growth of the plant, and last but not least it it had no Carbon dioxide, it would not have anything to, keep it from absorbing, both Light energy and water.

What is the formula for photosynthesis for kids?

carbon dioxide + water + light energy = glucose + oxygen. Photosynthesis is the process that plants use to combine light, water, and carbon dioxide to make glucose for energy and release oxygen.

Which process in a plant uses up carbon dioxide?

Photosynthesis. the word equation is carbon dioxide + water + light energy → glucose + oxygen + water.

What is a word equation for photosynthesis?

carbon dioxide + water --------> glucose + oxygen.

What do chloroplasts use to make glucose?

water, carbon dioxide, and energy (light)