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glycerol and three fatty acids

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Q: What does the hydrolysis of a neutral fat result in?
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What is the result of hydrolysis of a dipeptide?

Hydrolysis (breaking) of a dipeptide results in two amino acids.

When ZnSO4 undergoes salt hydrolysis are the products acidic or basic?

yes it is a neutral salt

Predict the nature of the solution formed from the hydrolysis ok KNO3?

The solution will be neutral to nature.

What formation results in the hydrolysis of a fat or oil?

glycerol and fatty acids

What is produced by controlled hydrolysis of proteins?

Hydrolysis is a reaction by which a larger compound is broken down (lysed) into smaller constituents. Protein hydrolysis will result in monomers of amino acids.

What are the products of the acid catalyzed hydolysis of a fat?

Hydrolysis is the process of breaking down a compound with the action of water. The products of the acid catalyzed hydrolysis of a fat are fatty acids and glycerol.

Is metabolizing fat a part of chemical change?

Yes. When fat is metabolized, it is broken down by a chemical reaction called hydrolysis.

How is cation hydrolysis different from anion hydrolysis?

When a neutral salt is dissolved in water, it will break down into its consituant ions. The positive ions are called Cations, while the negative ions are the Anions.

Result of bacillus subtillis litmus milk test?

casein hydrolysis

Why is the hydrolysis of fat called saponification?

The term "Saponification" is an indication of what this reaction originally was used for: making soap. By boiling animal fat or lard with either potassium hydroxide or sodium hydroxide, the reaction, hydrolysis, produced glycerol and soap.

What part of gastrointestinal tract is the predominant site of dietary fat hydrolysis?

the small intestine

What part of the gastrointestinal tract is predominant site of dietary fat hydrolysis?

the small intestine