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Some Definitions

1 hertz

is one repetition of a sine wave from 0 to maximum positive amplitude back through zero to maximum negative amplitude and back to zero, ie alternating current or a radio wave


is defined as the number of hertz ie repetitions of the cycle (hertz) in one second


is the distance from end to end of one hertz/cycle

these properties are related and are expressed by the following equation

velocity = frequency times wavelength

the number of wavelengths that pass a given point in one second if expressed in hertz would be the frequency

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Q: What does the number of wavelengths that pass a given point in one second measured in hertz mean?
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How do you measure the length of the ocean?

Usually deals with hypersonic wavelengths, kinda like how bats see, and they see how long it takes to hear the signal back. Then they divide the time by 2, since the time given was the time down and back up, then they find out the speed of the hypersonic wavelength, and plug it in to the sound.

How is velocity expressed?

Acceleration is measured in terms of distance per time per time. A typical unit would be meters per second squared. If an object is moving, its speed can be measured in terms of the amount of distance it covers in a given unit of time. And if it is accelerating, that acceleration is the amount of change in speed that takes place in a given unit of time.

How are exchange rate movements measured?

The exchange rate movement is measured using the various disparity of the given currency. The time aspect is usually one of the parameters used.

How is a wavelength measured?

A wavelength is a measure of the distance between two consecutive peaks (or troughs) of a wave. For electromagnetic radiation, the wavelengths range from 10^-11 to 10^3 metres - a factor of 100 trillion. There is, therefore, no single instrument which can be used to measure across such a range.

Average speed is the rate at which an object is moving at a given instant?

No. Average speed is the rate an object is moving measured over more than an instant, such as one second, one minute, or something like that. Instantaneous speed, however, is the limit of the average speed as the interval of time approaches zero, i.e. at a given instant.

Related questions

What is being measured when you count how many wavelengths pass a given point per second?

The wave's frequency is.

What is wave frequncy?

it is the number of wavelengths that pass a given point in 1 second.

What is frequency of a measure of?

the number of waves per second (APEX)

What is the number of times a cycle repeats itself in a given time?

It is the periodicity. If measured in the number of cycles per second, it is the frequency, and the measurement unit is a Hertz (Hz).

What do you call the number of waves that pass by a given point in one second?

frequency, the unit is Hz, measured as cycles/second or waves/second

The number of waves or cycle per second is called?

It is commonly referred to as Frequency, and it is measured in the unit called Hertz.

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In physics, the net force is measured in Newton. The formula for net force is given as the mass times the acceleration. The mass is given in kilograms (kg), and the acceleration is measured in meters per second squared. A Newton is equivalent to a kilogram-meters per second squared.

What is the difference between volts and current?

Electrical current is the number of elementary charge units (coulombs) that pass by a given point in one second. Current, measured in amperes, is coulombs per second. Electrical voltage is the "pressure" behind that current. Voltage, measured in volts, is joules per coulomb.

What is the deffinition of velocity?

Velocity is the speed of an object in a given direction. It is typically measured in meters/second.

How do you calculate the number of centimeters if you are given a distance measured in measured in meters?

100 centimeters = 1 meter, multiply by 100.

What is a number of vibrations in a given unit of time?

Frequency, measured in Hertz (Hz)

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