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Umm... Did you mean pulmonary? 'cuz it's the respiratory system.

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Q: What does the pulmanary system do?
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What type of blood does the pulmanary artery carry?

The pulmanary artery carries oxygen poor blood.

What is the pulmanary circulation system?

It is the system that circulates air/oxygen or carbon dioxide around the human body to help the muscles, cells, and brain.

Function of the pulmonary valve?

pulmanary valve is ppoop

Does Pulmanary mean Lungs?

Pulmonary: of or pertaining to the lungs

What is the only vein in the body rich in carbon dioxide?

the answer it the pulmanary vein

The pulmanary trunk leaves which chamber?

The pulmonary trunk leaves the right ventricle of the heart.

What type of blood does the artery carries?

artery carry pure blood but pulmanary artery carry improve blood to lungs from heart

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What do green and orange inhalers do?

When having an asthma attack the green inhaler is a Respritory Inflantational inhaler. When you run out of breath and can't breath in, this inhaler helps make that possible.The orange inhaler is a Pulmanary Ventalation inhaler that help relax your lungs in order to breath out.

Whats the advantage of the pulmanary veins location?

Pulmonary veins are responsible for carrying oxygenated blood from the lungs back to the left atrium of the heart. This differentiates the pulmonary veins from other veins in the body, which are used to carry deoxygenated blood from the rest of the body back to the heart

What is the difference between the pulmanary vein and the pulmanary artery?

For the most part, arteries carry oxygenated blood and veins carry de-oxygenated blood. This is opposite in the pulmonary veins and arteries because they are going to and from the lungs to get oxygen.

Which is the only vein that opens into a capillary?

The pulmanary vein. It comes out of the Right ventricle (heart) and goes to fill the capillary bed in the lungs. Actually it isn't strictlly true to say it opens into a capillary as there are venules before the capillaries. It also is the only vien that conducts blood away from the heart and not towards it.