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The Watt, which is defined as 1 Joule per second

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Q: What electrical unit was named in Watt's honor?
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What is the difference between Watts and Kilowatt hours?

Watts is smaller than kilowatts. watts is unit of power and kilowatts hour is unit of energy. Electrical devices are specified in watts where as electrical bill is for kilowatt hr use.

What unit is used to express electrical power?

Electrical power is also measured in Watts.

Why is the term watts named after James watt?

He did a lot of steam engine work, and since they are sources of power, it is fitting that a power unit is named after him. Pretty much, a way to honor him.

What is the difference between whats and volts?

Watts are the unit for electrical power and volts are the unit for electrical voltage.

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Did James Prescott Joule's last name have anything to do with joules?

The unit of energy, "Joule", was named in his honor.The unit of energy, "Joule", was named in his honor.The unit of energy, "Joule", was named in his honor.The unit of energy, "Joule", was named in his honor.

The ohm is the unit of measurement of quantity of positive electrical charges?

Ohm is a unit of measurement for resistance. The term ohm was named after a German physicist named Georg Simon Ohm.

Unit of electrical power named after Scottish inventor of the steam engine?

the unit of electrical power named after scottish inventor of steam engine is Watt ( the electrical power ) and the iinventor was James Watt

What electrical unit was named after a french scientist?

the ohm

What is an electrical unit named for an inventor?

The ampere, the volt and the hertz are just two examples.There are many more electrical units named for inventors.